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Copy Task List

You can create a new task list by copying an existing one using the Copy Task List utility. 

Only active task lists can be copied. Task lists that have been marked inactive cannot be copied. If a task list has any inactive task codes, only the active task codes will be copied to the new task list.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > Service Management > Copy Task List.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    • Source
      Select Task List ID, Contract Task List ID, Service Call Task List ID, or Quote Task List ID for the source task list.
    • Customer ID, Location ID, contract Number / Service Call ID / Quote Number, Equipment ID
      If the source is a contract task list, select a Customer ID and Contract Number. If the source is a service call task list, select a Service Call ID. It is not necessary to select a Customer ID first unless you want to filter the service calls in the lookup data. If the source is a quote task list, select a Customer ID and Quote Number. The Location ID and Equipment ID default from the records you select.
    • Task List ID / Contract Task List ID / Service Call Task List ID / Quote Task List ID
      Select the source task list that you are copying, depending on which source type you have selected.
    • Protected List
      This checkbox pertains to the task list you chose and is display-only on this window. See Working With Task Lists.
    • New
      Select the task list type of the new task list.
    • Customer ID, Location ID, contract Number / Service Call ID / Quote Number, Equipment ID
      If you chose to create a new contract task list, service call task list, or quote task list, complete this information, as necessary.
    • Task List ID / Contract Task List ID / Service Call Task List ID / Quote Task List ID
      Enter an ID for the new task list. The field that appears depends on the task list type you chose in the New field.
    • Description
      Describe the new task list.
    • Task List Type
      Use this field to add additional information about a new contract task list or quote task list.
    • Start Task Schedule based on first available service date
      Mark this checkbox if you want the maintenance tasks on a contract to be scheduled on the first available service call date, regardless of the task's schedule. This checkbox is enabled only for 2, 3, 4, or 6-month tasks.
    • Control Frequency and Schedule
      Mark this checkbox to control the frequency and schedule of a contract or quote task list.
    • Frequency, Schedule
      If the above checkbox is marked, use the lookups to select a frequency and schedule that will roll down to all tasks and subtasks associated with the new contract or quote task list.
  3. Select Copy.
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