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Posting Payroll Transactions to Service Management

Costs are posted to Service Management by a batch posting process. This benefits Microsoft Dynamics GP payroll users and non-payroll users in several ways. Specifically:

  • Posts payroll costs to Service Management before building checks (for payroll and non-payroll users).
  • Deletes TimeTrack batches after transactions have been committed, without removing costs from a Service invoice.
  • Automatically removes Microsoft Dynamics GP payroll transactions after posting costs to Service Management without removing costs from a Service invoice (for non-payroll users).
  • Posts overhead costs to Service Management in the same way as a wage expense. Therefore, overhead and wage expenses are always posted in the same fiscal period.

Before posting payroll transactions, make sure payroll posting options are set up correctly.

  1. Select Transactions > Payroll > Signature Payroll Posting.
  2. In the Signature Payroll Post window, complete the following fields:
    • Posting Date
      The date on which you want to post.
    • Display Batches
      Select to Display Batches created by all users or by the current user only. The batches are marked in the Job Cost or Service column to let you know the contents of that batch. If a batch contains transactions attached to a job number or service call ID, the appropriate column(s) will be marked with an asterisk.
    • Status
      Mark the checkbox in the Status column for the batches you want to post. You can mark each checkbox individually or use the Mark All/Unmark All buttons on the menu bar. The Mark/Unmark buttons will not affect batches that are already marked by other users.
    • Post Job Cost, Post Service
      If you are not using Job Cost, or if you are and the Post to Job Cost Only option is not marked in setup, the Post Job Cost checkbox will be disabled.
  3. Select Post.
If using Job Cost, Job Cost batches may not be available to post before building checks, depending upon Job Cost setup and validation performed in this window. However, a batch that contains both Job Cost and Service related transactions will be available to a user who wants to post only the Service related contents of a batch. Unless posting to Job Cost is selected along with Service, all job-related transactions will remain unposted in the batch and only the Service-related transaction will be posted and Microsoft Dynamics GP payroll transactions deleted. This allows for Job Cost and Service to be posted at separate times, as required by the business processes of each product.

After completing the posting process, the batch of payroll transactions can be included in the next batch of printed payroll checks.

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