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Mass Updating Revenue Code Percentages

The Revenue Code Percent Mass Revision Entry window lets you update multiple job revenue code % complete at one time. If you are using the Project Manager's Advisor module, you should only see your assigned jobs.

We recommend that you print the Revenue Edit List after committing the revenue code percentages update to verify the changes. If you do not see expenses, verify that cost codes have been assigned to revenue codes. For more information, see Assigning Cost Codes to Revenue Codes.

To mass update revenue codes:

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, go to Transactions > Job Cost > Revenue Code Percent Mass Revision Entry

  2. The scrolling window does not display records. Select Redisplay to fill the window.
  3. Enter the Date and a Description.
  4. Select from the following filters to limit the jobs that display, if needed. If no filters are selected, you will see all job revenue codes.
    • Job Number
    • Division
    • Revenue Type
    • Project Number
    • Project Manager
    • Customer Number
    • Show Included Only checkbox - Displays the revenue codes marked for commitment.
  5. Select Redisplay. Inactive or jobs that are excluded from RPO are not included in the displayed jobs.

  6. Select a job to display all revenue codes assigned to that job with their current percentage complete.
  7. Mark the 100% checkbox to update the code to 100% complete. The revenue amount will be included in the Revenue GL entry that is created for the job or division during the month end process. (Or enter a percentage amount in the revised field.)
  8. Select Print to review the edit list.
  9. Select Commit to commit the changes.
If you select Clear, all changes that were entered as well as filters will be cleared.
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