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WIP Reconciliation Tool

The WIP Reconciliation tool allows you to compare your Job Cost and Service Management WIP subledgers to the General Ledger. Sorting and filtering functionality enables you to easily identify the discrepancies that are causing an imbalance in your WIP accounts.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Routines > Service Management > Service > WIP Reconciliation. Or from Job Cost, select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Routines > Job Cost > WIP Reconciliation.
  2. In the left pane of the WIP Reconciliation window, use the product indicator to select either Service Management or Job Cost.
  3. Underneath the product indicator, select Work In Process (WIP).
  4. On the right pane of the WIP Reconciliation window, use the Account drop-down menu to filter by a specific account or display all WIP accounts.
  5. Select a date range. The From date defaults as the first day of the month. The To date defaults as today's date.
  6. Select Go to display posting records from the selected date range. Each record indicates an amount that was posted to the General Ledger on a certain day. For each date, you can compare the subledger amount to the General Ledger total and see if any discrepancy exists between them. The records that appear in red indicate an imbalance.
  7. Double-click a record to view transaction details for that date. Using the detail window, you can compare the transactions in the subledger to those in the General Ledger and identify the specific transactions that are causing the discrepancy. For information about the various sorting, grouping, and filtering options that are available for customizing what you see, see Working with the WIP Reconciliation tool below. You can also narrow down the list of transactions that appear on this window by marking the R checkboxes next to the transactions that were successfully posted to both the subledger and General Ledger. These transactions can be hidden using the Hide Reconciled button. You can continue to narrow down the list of records until only unreconciled transactions remain in the view. 

    The customizations that you make to the views in the Reconciliation tool, including flagged and hidden transactions, are not permanently saved. If you exit and re-open a window, any views that were previously used will be lost. Transactions that were previously flagged and hidden will display again.
  8. You can use the Export button to save the view you created for a list of records, including your sorting and grouping choices, as an .xls file. This allows you to close the WIP Reconciliation tool but continue to work with your list of unreconciled transactions as you fix any unbalanced accounts. If you export the detail window, two prompts appear, the first allowing you to save the Subledger Export, and the second allowing you to save the General Ledger Export. You can also save a Work in Process (WIP) Variance spreadsheet with the information from the main WIP Reconciliation window.

Working With the WIP Reconciliation Tool

Records can be filtered and sorted until they are displayed in the manner that is best for you to narrow down to the source of any discrepancy.

  • You can change the sort order of the records that display by clicking on a column name, for example, sorting records per highest or lowest delta amount.
  • You can change the grouping of the records by dragging and dropping a column heading to the "Grouped by" toolbar, for example, grouping records by account number or date.
  • You can apply additional filters to show only the records that you want to display based on the values in each column, for example, showing only records of certain dates or with a delta that is not zero.


A record on the WIP Reconciliation window indicates an imbalance, with an extra $75.00 in the General Ledger.

Click here to view screenshot.

Double-click the line to view transaction details. You can drag and drop a column header to the grouping toolbar to group the transactions and view a summary by, for example, journal entry number.

Click here to view screenshot.

Viewing cost amounts by group allows you to focus on a group and makes it easier to narrow down the list of transactions that may be out of balance. 

In the example below, two of the three journal entries (4800 and 4802) have the same amounts in the subledger and General Ledger. The unreconciled transactions belong to journal entry 4477.

Click here to view screenshot.

You can expand a category to view the transactions in that group.

Once you have ruled out certain transactions - or a certain group - as the cause of the imbalance, you can mark those transactions as reconciled and use the Hide Reconciled button to hide them from view.

Click here to view screenshot.

Only the transactions for journal entry 4477 remain.

Click here to view screenshot.

If you expand those groups, you can identify that one of the $75.00 transactions from this journal entry hit the General Ledger but did not hit your WIP subledger.

Click here to view screenshot.

To save the custom view you have created before closing the WIP Reconciliation window and reconciling the unbalanced transactions, select Export.

Click here to view screenshot.

Subledger Export

General Ledger Export

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