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Relationship Between Billing Type, Contract Type, and Invoice Type

Your billing type, which is dependent on contract type, determines the type of job invoices that can be printed. Further, certain billing types require that you create bill codes.

Billing Type
Contract Type
Job Invoice Type
Bill Codes Required


All types

Standard Types*



Fixed Contract

AIA Billing
Detailed Billing
Standard Types**


Cost Code

All types

AIA Billing
Detailed Billing
Standard Types**


Transaction Level

Cost Plus

Transaction Level
Trx Level by Labor
Standard Types**


Project Billing

All types

Project Level



Fixed Contract

Microsoft Dynamics GP invoice types are used***


Project Bill Code

All types

Project Level


*Standard job invoice types include the following types of reports: Graphic Invoice, Text Invoice, Cost Elements, Graphics Inv 2, Text Inv 2, and Tax Detail Inv.

**If you print a standard job invoice type for a job with a Cost Code, User-Defined, or Transaction Level billing type, the invoice will contain a dollar amount, but will not contain detailed information. To provide your customer with a detailed invoice, you should use the appropriate invoice type.

***The SOP billing type is used to bill jobs using Sales Order Processing; therefore, invoices are created in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

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