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Viewing Unposted Costs

You can view unposted costs for each cost element in the Job Status window. Amounts in the Unposted Costs column are calculated by adding all unposted costs of the same cost element on the selected job. You can zoom to view a summary of cost codes or details on each cost code in the Job Unposted Cost window.

Unposted costs are any cost transactions related to the job currently saved in a batch that has not been posted. This includes the functionality we have with SOP to POP transactions.  If a PO transaction is posted with a unit change and this record has a direct link to an SOP transaction associated with a job or service call, a new General Journal batch is created to reflect the unit change. 


  • Service call costs within Service Management will not be displayed in Job Cost as unposted costs until such time as the costs are transferred to the job or the job has been billed.
  • Known Issue: SOP Returns are not included in the Unposted Costs column.

Viewing an Unposted Cost Element Summary

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Select a Job.
  3. Zoom on the Unposted Cost Element.
  4. The Job Unposted Cost window opens. The job and job description auto-populate.
  5. The Cost Element Type drop-down defaults to the cost element that you zoomed from. You can select a different cost element.
  6.  The following cost element information displays:
    • Transaction Number
    • Type
    • Batch Number
    • Document Date
    • Reference
    • Cost Amount
    • Cost Element Description
    • Transaction Description
  7. You can zoom to the entry window by selecting the transaction number row and then selecting Transaction Number or Batch Number in the column header.

Viewing the Unposted Costs Summary

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Select a Job.
  3. Select the Unposted Costs button on the far right.
  4. The Job Unposted Cost window opens. The job and job description auto-populate.
  5. The Cost Element Type drop-down defaults to display All cost element types.

Printing the Job Unposted Cost Report

Select Print in the Job Unposted Costs window to print a report that displays Job's unposted costs information. See Job Unposted Cost for a screenshot of the report.

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