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Setting Up the Subcontractor Feature

To set up the Subcontractor feature, you must set up offset accounts, subcontractor payment options, and insurance options.

Setting up the Subcontractor feature involves the following:

Step 1: Set Up Offset Accounts

For subcontractor retention to be calculated, the payable retention offset and payable retention liability accounts must be assigned to each division.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost > Account Setup > Subcontractor Offset Accounts.
  2. Enter a company Division.
  3. Enter a Payable Retention Offset account number.
  4. Enter a Payable Retention Liability account number.
  5. Enter a Non-Inventory Offset account number. This account is used as the credit side of the transaction in GL if you enter a non-inventory transaction to a job appointment.
  6. Select Save.
  7. To print the Offset Account List, select File > Print.

Step 2: Select Subcontractor Options

Subcontractor options designate whether to pay the subcontractor when your company is paid, and whether to be reminded of the subcontractor's insurance expiration.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost > Subcontractor Setup > Subcontractor Options.
  2. Mark the Pay When Paid checkbox if you will pay the subcontractor when your company is paid. If you mark the Pay When Paid checkbox, Job Cost automatically puts the payable on hold when you enter a payable for a subcontractor invoice. You release the hold when you have been paid for the sub contractor's portion of the job. 

    The disabled options are related to the Advanced Subcontractor feature.
  3. Mark the Reminder? checkbox to receive a reminder note, notifying you before the subcontractor insurance expires. Enter the number of days before expiration you want to be reminded. When you open Job Cost on the designated reminder day, an alert window displays, asking if you want to see the reminder notes. 

    You must open Job Cost on the designated reminder date to receive a warning. If you do not open Job Cost on that date and open on a later date, you will not receive a warning. You can browse through reminder notes (Inquiry > Job Cost > Reminder Notes) to view notes you missed.
  4. To print the Subcontractor Options Setup List, select File > Print.
  5. Select Save.

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