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Entering Unit Adjustments

You can adjust the units of a cost code, and bill for them, without affecting posted costs or the general ledger.
Before you enter unit adjustments, make sure that cost codes are added to the appropriate jobs. When unit adjustments are posted, contract amounts are updated, depending on the following:

  • Contract amounts are updated if the cost code is assigned to a job that has the following: a contract type of Cost Plus or Cost Plus NTE in the Job Maintenance window; a profit type ID of Flat Rate per Unit in the Job Cost Codes Setup window; and an amount in the Profit Amount field in the Job Cost Code Setup window.
  • Contract amounts are not updated if the cost code is assigned to a job that has a profit type ID other than Per Unit Amount, Total Dollar Amount, Flat Rate per Cost Code, or Flat Rate per Unit.


Step 1: Set Up Unit Adjustment

The unit adjustment document type sets the document number for the unit adjustment transactions that you enter.

You must open and save this window even if you don't make changes.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost > Job Cost Setup > Number Options.
  2. In the Unit Adjustment field, enter a description and next number. The field is set to unit adjustment and 1.
  3. Select Save.

Step 2: Enter a Unit Adjustment Transaction

  1. Select Transactions > Job Cost > Unit Adjustment Entry.
  2. Complete the following fields, as necessary.
    • Transaction Number
      The next available number defaults but can be changed.
    • Batch Number
      Enter a Batch Number.
    • Document Date, Transaction Description
      The user date defaults as the Document Date.
    • Job Number, Cost Code Number
      Enter a Job Number and Cost Code Number.
    • Actual Units, Transaction Description
      Enter the Actual Units and a Transaction Description. The unit transaction's description appears in the Transaction Description field in the scrolling window. You can change this description. Instead of the unit transaction description, when printing transaction-level billing invoices, labor cost codes show the cost code description and non-labor cost codes show the cost code transaction description.
  3. Save or post the transaction. The document date is used as the posting date.
  4. To print a Unit Adjustment Entry Edit List, select File > Print when the Unit Adjustment Entry window is open.

You can also enter unit transactions using the Transactions button in the Batch Entry window (Transactions > Job Cost > Unit Adjustment Batches).

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