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Setting Up the Advanced Subcontractor Feature

To set up the Advanced Subcontractor feature, you must set up offset accounts, subcontractor payment and insurance options, and master documents.

Setting up the Advanced Subcontractor feature involves the following:

Step 1: Set Up Offset Accounts 

For subcontractor retention to be calculated, the payable retention offset and payable retention liability accounts must be assigned to each division.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost > Account Setup > Subcontractor Offset Accounts.
  2. Enter a company Division.
  3. Enter a Payable Retention Offset account number.
  4. Enter a Payable Retention Liability account number.
  5. Enter a Non-Inventory Offset account number. This account is used as the credit side of the transaction in GL if you enter a non-inventory transaction to a job appointment.
  6. Select Save.
  7. To print the Offset Account List, select File > Print.

Step 2: Select Subcontractor Options 

Subcontractor options designate whether to pay the subcontractor when your company is paid, and whether to be reminded of the subcontractor's insurance expiration.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost >Subcontractor Setup > Subcontractor Options.
    • Pay When Paid
      Mark this checkbox if you will pay the subcontractor when your company is paid. Job Cost will automatically put the payable on hold when you enter a payable for a subcontractor invoice. You release the hold when you have been paid for the subcontractor's portion of the job.
    • Track Multiple Lien Waivers per Job/Subcontractor
      Mark this checkbox to track multiple lien waivers per job. This checkbox is enabled only if the Use Master Subcontractors checkbox is marked. See Printing Lien Waivers.
    • Allow Retention Release if Subcontractor is on Hold
      Mark this checkbox to allow the release of retention for subcontractors on hold.
    • Automatically Add Purchase Order Cost Code to Subcontractor
      Mark this checkbox to automatically add cost codes to a subcontractor during purchase order entry.
    • Use Master Subcontractors, Track Insurance Dates in Detail (Many per Job), Always Copy Master Subcontractor Data
      Mark this checkbox to enable the master subcontractors feature. Marking the Use Master Subcontractors checkbox enables the Track Insurance Dates in Detail (Many per Job) checkbox. See Using Master Subcontractors. The Always Copy Master Subcontractor Data checkbox is enabled if you are using the CIS feature.
    • Reminder?
      Mark this checkbox to receive a reminder note, notifying you before the subcontractor insurance expires. Enter the number of days before expiration you want to be reminded. When you open Job Cost on the designated reminder day, an alert window displays, asking if you want to see the reminder notes. 

      You must open Job Cost on the designated reminder date to receive a warning. If you do not open Job Cost on that date and open on a later date, you will not receive a warning. You can browse through reminder notes (Inquiry > Job Cost > Reminder Notes) to view notes you missed.
    • Print Lien Waiver for Job When Check Payment to That Job Exceeds
      To specify a minimum amount that a check must contain before a lien waiver can be printed, enter that amount in this field. This amount should be less than the check amount in Payables Management. If this amount is zero (the default), a lien waiver will print for all checks. 
  2. To print the Subcontractor Options Setup List, select File > Print.
  3. Select Save.

Step 3: Set Up Master Documents 

If the subcontractor has not submitted required items or documents by a specific date, the Hold checkbox will be marked in the Subcontractors Maintenance window for the subcontractor. Additionally, if you are using the Pay-When-Paid feature, when you try to release a payables hold and the subcontractor is marked on hold in the Subcontractors Maintenance window, you cannot release the payables hold. If the Pay-When-Paid feature isn't marked, payables will not be put on hold. Reminder notes for each item or document can be generated.

If you marked the Track Insurance Dates in Detail (Many per Job) checkbox in the Subcontractor Options window, you can enter labels for four types of insurance to be tracked using the Insurance Dates window. See Entering insurance dates for a master subcontractor.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost > User-Defined Label Setup > Subcontractor Master Document Types.
  2. Select a label and enter an Item Description.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost > Subcontractor Setup > Subcontractor Master Documents.
    • Required
      Mark the required items to be received from the subcontractor. If items are not received from a subcontractor by a specified date, the subcontractor's payments will be put on hold for that job.
    • Reminder?
      Mark the items you want a reminder for. See Working With Reminder Notes.
    • Days Notice
      Enter the number of days before the required date you want to receive a reminder.
  5. Select Save.

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