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Working With Reminder Notes

Many major windows in Job Cost have the reminder notes feature, enabling you to attach multiple free-form notes to a record. The reminder note is indicated by a notepad button.

You can see a list of all reminder notes for a job, select to be reminded of the note on a specific date when you start Job Cost, and select to make the note printable.

Each window in Job Cost has a notepad button in the button bar to attach window-level notes. These notes can be used to attach instructions for completing the window and are separate from the reminder service notes.

Creating a Reminder Note

To create a reminder note:

  1. Select the notepad button in any field with an attached notepad button.
  2. Complete the following fields, as necessary.
    • Subject
      Enter the subject of the note. The information entered is displayed in the list of notes for the entity. After you tab off this field, a confirmation message displays. Select Yes to add a new note or No to clear the Subject field.
    • Current Owner
      This field defaults with the current user. Use the lookup to change the current owner, if needed. If you mark the Reminder checkbox, this is the user who receives the reminder notification.
    • Reminder
      Mark the checkbox if you would like to receive a message, upon opening Service Management, that a note exists marked for the current Microsoft Dynamics GP system date. You must mark this checkbox if you want to be able to view the note in the Reminder Service Notes window.
    • Reminder Date
      The current date defaults in the Reminder Date field and can be edited. 
    • Printable
      Mark the Yes radio button to be able to print the note in the Printable Notes report. Notes marked printable appear on workorder 1 and T-card formats by default.
  3. Enter the note in the scrolling window.
  4. At the bottom of the window, the following information displays:
    • Created User
      The user who created the note.
    • Modified User
      The user who last modified the note. This is blank when creating the note.
    • Last Changed
      The date and time the note was last updated.
  5. Select Save. Once a note is created, the notepad button changes to show it has information or data.

Viewing Reminder Notes

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Reminder Notes.
  2. Enter a Date or select the lookup button in the Date field to open the Query window, where you can enter a date range. A list of notes that had the Reminder? checkbox marked displays in the scrolling window.
  3. Select the lookup button in the Author field to select an author.
  4. Double-click a note in the scrolling window to open the Notes window, where you can view and edit the note.
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