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Using Master Subcontractors

You can set up master subcontractors as templates for vendors used on multiple jobs. If you use the same subcontractor on several jobs, you don't have to set up the subcontractor each time you create a job. Instead, you can create a master subcontractor and assign the jobs to that master subcontractor.

  • Subcontractor: With subcontractors, you assign a subcontractor to a job. Therefore, the relationship of the subcontractor and cost codes to a job is as follows:
  • Master subcontractor: With the master subcontractor feature, the relationship of a master subcontractor to a job and cost codes is as follows:

When you create a master subcontractor using the Master Subcontractors Maintenance window for a vendor that already exists as a subcontractor, that master subcontractor still exists as a subcontractor. The main differences are:

  • The master subcontractor record is the parent record of the cost code and jobs.
  • When you first create a master subcontractor, some information is copied to the Subcontractors Maintenance window and sub windows. See Create the Master Subcontractors.

Using master subcontractors involves the following:

Setting Up and Creating Master Subcontractors

Step 1: Set Up the Master Subcontractor Feature

To use master subcontractors, you must mark the Use Master Subcontractors checkbox in the Subcontractor Options window.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost > Subcontractor Setup > Subcontractor Options.
  2. Mark the Use Master Subcontractors checkbox.
  3. Mark the Track Insurance Dates in Detail (Many per Job) checkbox to enable the Insurance Dates button in the Subcontractor Status and Master Subcontractor Maintenance windows and the ellipsis button in the Insurance Certificate field in the Subcontractors Dates window. You can enter insurance company information for each master subcontractor, including policy numbers and effective dates. Insurance fields are user-definable. See Set up master documents. See Entering insurance dates for a master subcontractor for information on tracking insurance information.
  4. Select Save.

Step 2: Create the Master Subcontractors

Subcontractors who work on several jobs can be set up as master subcontractors. Master subcontractors allow you to define your vendor-job relationship at the vendor level instead of at the job level.

  1. Select Cards > Job Cost > Master Subcontractor.
  2. Complete the following fields, as necessary.
    • Master Sub ID
      Use the lookup to select a vendor.
    • Vendor Contract Type
      Select a vendor contract type from the drop-down list. Choices are NTE, Lump Sum, and Unit Price.
    • Contract Date, Purchase Order #
      Enter the contract date and purchase order number.
    • Retention %
      If the master subcontractor already has a retention percentage entered for any cost codes, a message appears telling you that the subcontractor cost codes will be updated with the new retention amount. Select Continue to update the cost codes or Cancel to not update the cost codes.
    • Mod Rate, User-defined
      These fields are informational only.
    • Submit Date, Resubmit Date, Approved Date, Disapproved Date
      Enter the submit date, resubmit date, approved date, and/or disapproved date.
  3. Select Save.

The Stop-and-Go Light indicator indicates whether the subcontractor is marked on hold in the Subcontractors Maintenance window. A red light indicates the subcontractor is on hold for a job. A green light indicates the subcontractor is not on hold. The Hold checkbox in the Master Subcontractors Maintenance window isn't used.

You can also do the following from the Master Subcontractors window:

  • Assign a job to a master subcontractor.
  • Assign a cost code to a master subcontractor.
  • Enter insurance dates for a master subcontractor.
  • Create a purchase order for a master subcontractor.
  • Specify required documents for a master subcontractor.
  • Manage lien waivers for a master subcontractor.

Assigning a Job to a Master Subcontractor

You can assign jobs to a master subcontractor using the Add Jobs button in the Master Subcontractors Maintenance window.

When you assign a job to a master subcontractor for the first time, information from all the fields in the Master Subcontractors Maintenance window is copied to the corresponding fields in the Subcontractors Maintenance window for that vendor. This information is copied only if a job was not previously assigned to the subcontractor in the Subcontractors Maintenance window.

If you save the Master Subcontractors Maintenance window, then reopen the window to make changes, none of the changes will copy to the Subcontractors Maintenance window.

  1. Select Cards > Job Cost > Master Subcontractor.
  2. Select a subcontractor, then select Add Jobs.
  3. Select a job and complete the Subcontractors Maintenance window. See Adding subcontractors/vendors to a job.
  4. Select Save.

To view a list of jobs assigned to a master subcontractor, select the Stop-and-Go Light indicator in the Master Subcontractors Maintenance window.

Assigning a Cost Code to a Master Subcontractor

You can assign cost codes directly to a master subcontractor. Once a job is assigned to a master subcontractor, the cost codes are automatically copied to the subcontractor record assigned to that job.

  1. Select Cards > Job Cost > Master Subcontractor.
  2. Select a subcontractor, then select the Cost Codes button.
  3. Enter a Cost Element. The default is 2 (Materials).
  4. Use the lookup to select a Cost Code, or select the Add Cost Codes button to select from the master cost code list.
  5. If you do not want to print lien waivers for this cost code, mark the Don't Print Lien Waivers checkbox.
  6. Select Save.

When you assign a cost code to a master subcontractor, you can view that job/subcontractor/cost code association in the Subcontractor Cost Codes window.

Entering Insurance Dates for a Master Subcontractor

You can enter insurance company information for each master subcontractor, including policy numbers and effective dates. If a policy expires, the vendor and all jobs the vendor is assigned to are put on hold.

  1. Select Cards > Job Cost > Master Subcontractor.
  2. Select a subcontractor, then select Insurance Dates.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    • Required
      Mark the insurance policies that are required for this master subcontractor.
    • Starting, Ending, Received
      Enter the Starting, Ending, and Received dates. The ending date will be copied to the Required Date column in the Subcontractor Dates window for this subcontractor. The required date in the Subcontractor Dates window is automatically set to be the earliest ending date of the required insurance types in the Insurance Dates window. This date is copied to all jobs to which the subcontractor is assigned. If you do not enter an ending date for an insurance type that is marked as required, the subcontractor will be on hold.
    • Required, Available
      Enter coverage amounts. These fields are informational only.
    • Company, Policy Number
      For each insurance company, enter the company name and policy number.
  4. Select Save.

Creating a Purchase Order for a Master Subcontractor

  1. You can create a purchase order for a master subcontractor from the Master Subcontractors Maintenance window.
  2. Select Cards > Job Cost > Master Subcontractor.
  3. Select a Subcontractor, then select Create PO.
  4. Complete the Purchase Order Entry window. See the Microsoft Dynamics GP Purchase Order Processing Manual for more information. The Vendor ID fills automatically from the Master Subcontractors Maintenance window.
  5. When entering a purchase order for a master subcontractor, if you select a job to which the master subcontractor is not assigned, a message displays telling you that the selected vendor is not a subcontractor for the selected job. This allows you to assign that subcontractor to that job. Select Yes to add the master subcontractor to the job, or No to not add. If you select Yes, the Subcontractors Maintenance window opens. Complete the window.

If retention needs to be withheld, make sure you enter a contract amount in the Original Contract Amt field in the Subcontractors Maintenance window. Otherwise, retention will not be withheld from Purchase Order Processing or Payables Management.

Automatically Adding Cost Codes to a Subcontractor on a Purchase Order

To automatically add cost codes to a subcontractor when entering a purchase order, mark the Automatically Add Purchase Order Cost Code to Subcontractor checkbox in the Subcontractor Options window. This applies to cost codes assigned to a job that are not linked to a subcontractor in the Subcontractors Maintenance window.

You can automatically add cost codes from the Purchase Order Entry window and Item Detail Entry window.

Specifying Required Documents for a Master Subcontractor

You can specify if a document pertaining to this master subcontractor is required.

  1. Select Cards > Job Cost > Master Subcontractor.
  2. Select a subcontractor, then select Master Subcontractor Documents.
  3. Mark the documents that are Required and select Save.
  4. A message appears asking if you want to save the changes in this window only or save the changes in this window and roll down the changes to the subcontractor record associated with the job or jobs. Select Save or Rolldown.
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