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Additional Module Requirements

Depending on the Signature modules being implemented, the following table lists the required servers and the applications that may be installed on each server in a typical environment.


Microsoft SQL Server

  • Microsoft SQL Server: 2022, 2019, 2017
  • SQL Reporting Services (Optional)
  • IIS 7.0 or greater (Optional)


  • Signature/Dynamics
  • CRM
  • SQL Reporting Services

Web Server (IIS) – Internal

  • Signature SMS Customer Portal
  • Signature Registration
  • Signature MobileTech Web Service

Microsoft Windows Server

  • Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • .NET Framework 4.5 or higher

A separate machine is recommended.

Application Servers

  • Microsoft Dynamics GP
  • Signature Service Management
  • Signature Job Cost
  • Signature Equipment Management
  • Signature Job Import
  • Microsoft Office

May be multiple servers using Terminal Server and/or Citrix or multiple client desktops.


  • It is recommended to have a duplicate test system that mirrors the production system. This is not a requirement but not having a duplicated system may lead to issues in production that are not encountered in the test environment.
  • Leave at least 25 percent free space for each hard drive or volume on each server.
  • For SQL Server, leave 50 percent free space for each hard drive.
  • SQL Server should not be installed on the Remote Desktop Services/Citrix servers.
  • WennSoft has customers who are successfully operating their production Microsoft Dynamics GP/Signature systems in a virtual environment.
  • When you deploy a system in a virtual environment, make sure that you have sufficient hard disk space to avoid performance problems.
  • Each computer that you deploy in a virtual environment should meet or exceed the random access memory (RAM) requirements and the hard disk space requirements. Use the requirements for systems that are deployed in a non-virtual environment.
  • In addition to Microsoft, other software vendors have software in the market that provides virtual environment functionality. WennSoft does not test or support Signature software running together with non-Microsoft hardware virtualization software.
  • You may need to enable port 1433 for TCP/IP in the Windows Firewall to ensure that the incoming ODBC requests are accepted.

See also:

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