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Rolling Calls Forward

You can move all open service calls and open service appointments to a new date.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Routines > Service Management > Service > Call Roll Forward.
  2. Enter the New Date for the calls and appointments.
  3. Mark the checkboxes if you want to exclude MC calls, MCC calls, or All Other Call Types (other than MC and MCC).
  4. Mark the checkboxes if you want to Include Job Appointments.
  5. Select OK.

The system looks at the appointment and service call dates independently.


  • A service call date and a service appointment date are before the roll-forward date. The service call and the appointment are rolled forward.
  • An appointment date is before the roll-forward date and the service call date is after the roll-forward date. The appointment is rolled forward and the service call is not.
  • An appointment date is after the roll-forward date and the service call date is before the roll-forward date, Only the service call is rolled forward. and the appointment is not.

You cannot move service calls and service appointments backward. That is, to a date before the call's current date.

To automatically roll calls forward when you open Service Management, see Choosing Service Options.

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