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Setting Up AWARM

Adding the Setup Window to the Shortcut Bar

  1. Launch Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  2. On the shortcut sidebar, located at the lower left-hand corner of the window, right-click and select Add > Add Window.
  3. From the list of available windows on the Add Window Shortcut window, select Alt Window & Report Manager > 3rd Party.
  4. Select Alternate Window and Report Manager Setup. You can rename the shortcut by editing the Name field.
  5. Select Add to create a shortcut to the window on the sidebar.
  6. Select Done.

Choosing Alternate Resource Security Options

The Alternate Window and Report Manager Setup window allows you to select a default method for all users to access alternate and modified alternate resources (forms and reports). You must set up security options before you can use the setup window.

  1. From the shortcut bar, select Alternate Window and Report Manager Setup. You may be prompted to enter the system password. The Alternate Window and Report Manager Setup window opens. If you do not have the Setup option on the shortcut bar, see Adding the Setup Window to the Shortcut Bar above.

  2. Select the Options button.
  3. In the Options window, use the drop-down button to select a default method for handling modified resources. If a modified alternate form or report does not have a separate handling method, the default method selected here will be used. The following handling methods are available:
    • Always Use
      Always use the modified alternate resource if it exists.
    • Never Use
      Never use the modified alternate resource.
    • Define At Setup
      All standard (alternate) and modified (modified alternate) resources for active products will display on the Alternate Window and Report Manager Setup window, where the system administrator selects which resources users can access.
  4. All products in the system are listed on the window. Mark the Active checkbox for all products that you want to use the Alternate Window and Report Manager with. For example, WennSoft Equipment Management and/or WennSoft Products.
  5. When you mark an Active checkbox, the product name becomes the default entry in the Standard and Modified columns. An asterisk is added to the name in the Modified column. The text in these columns is the text that displays in the Alternate Window and Report Manager Setup window and on the buttons in the message box when the user is asked which resource to use. Only the text displayed in each column will fit on the button, so we recommend you edit the text to fit.

  6. Use the arrow buttons on the right side of the window to change the order of the products. The order of the active products displayed in this window is the order the buttons will display when the user is asked which resource to use.
  7. Select OK to close the window.

Using the AWARM Setup Window

Use the Alternate Window and Report Manager Setup window to determine which product's alternate and modified alternate resources will be opened or listed as choices when a user is questioned about which resource to open.
Security settings are made for each company and user. Security settings made in the Alternate Window and Report Manager Setup window override security set up in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

  1. Open the Alternate Window and Report Manager Setup window from the shortcut bar. If you do not have the Setup option on the shortcut bar, see Adding the Setup Window to the Shortcut Bar above.

  2. Select one or more companies.
  3. Select one or more users.
  4. Mark the checkboxes for the alternate and modified alternate resources you want to grant the user access to. These resources are listed in a tree view organized as follows:
    • Level 1 - Resource category (Forms or Reports)
    • Level 2 - Series
    • Level 3 - The resource (form or report)
    • Level 4 - Products and modified alternate forms or reports

    When you mark a checkbox on one of the first three levels, all checkboxes below that will be marked. 
    Non-Service Management users should not have access to the Customer Maintenance, Customer Address Maintenance, and Customer Class Setup windows. If a user can access Signature and non-Signature versions of these windows, we recommend closing all three windows before switching between Signature and non-Signature versions.

  5. On the third level, you can assign each resource an individual handling method by double-clicking its icon. Each time you double-click an icon, it changes to another selection. Some resources are considered special resources because they can only be opened from other resources. Security is automatically set for these special resources to be the same as the other resource. For these resources, the fourth level will display "Use same as:.."

  6. Select Print to print the Alternate Window and Report Manager List.
  7. Select OK to close the Alternate Window and Report Manager Setup window.


IconHandling MethodDescription

Always Use

Always use the modified alternate resource if it exists.

Never Use

Never use the modified alternate resource.

Ask On-The-Fly

If a modified alternate resource exists, prompt the user to use the standard (alternate) or modified (modified alternate) version.

Define At Setup

All standard (alternate) and modified (modified alternate) resources for active products are displayed in the Alternate Window and Report Manager Setup window. The system administrator selects which resources the users can access. 
Note: The Define At Setup handling method is not available for special resources.


Use the default method specified in the Options window.

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