Mass Contract Renewal
The Mass Renewal feature allows you to renew numerous maintenance contracts at once. Use this feature if you have many contracts expiring at similar times and you do not wish to change the contract amounts. Mass renewal only works for contracts less than 365 days. With mass renewal, you can renew and close contracts that have open service calls or that have not been completely billed and recognized. Unlike using the Renew button in the Maintenance Contract window, mass renewal does not require a contract that uses percentage-of-completion revenue recognition to have forecast costs before it is closed and renewed.
When renewing a contract that has a task list with inactive tasks, only the active task codes will be assigned to the contract. This applies to maintenance contracts, master contracts, as well as mass renewing contracts. You can print a report before renewing by selecting Print > Contract Inactive Tasks that shows any inactive tasks or task lists on the contract(s). This report will automatically print after renewing if there are any inactive tasks or tasks lists that were not added to the new contract(s). See Setting Up Maintenance Task Codes and Task Lists.
- If the customer or location is inactive, contracts cannot be renewed via the Mass Renew Contracts window.
- If you have a master contract with contracts that have inactive and active locations, you can renew the master contract from the Master Contract window for the contracts with active locations.
When you renew a contract with the mass renewal feature, the start and end dates are advanced, a new billing and revenue recognition schedule is created, and the maintenance tasks are reset. Closing the contract moves billing schedule, revenue recognition, and contract information to history; however, you can also select to leave a contract open during mass renewal.
When you commit multiple contracts for renewal, the system does the following:
- Creates a new task schedule from the last scheduled date, if the newly calculated schedule date is within the new contract period. If the new starting schedule date does not fall after the contract start date of the new period, the new schedule start date will be reset to the first available service call date in the new contract period. This allows all tasks to be scheduled properly across contract renewal periods.
- Uses the new task frequencies to create new task schedules for any piece of equipment that has a task or task list.
To mass renew contracts:
- Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Routines > Service Management > Maintenance Contract > Mass Renewal.
- Specify the following criteria:
- Contract Expiration Date Range (required)
Enter a date range that includes the expiration dates of the maintenance contracts you wish to renew. For instance, you may want to renew contracts one month at a time. - Customer Range (optional)
Enter a range to limit the contracts by customer. Contract Type (optional)
If you have a master contract that has contracts with different contract types, none of these contracts will display. For example, you have Master Contract 011 with three contracts, two contracts have a contract type of Residential and the other contract has a contract type of Premier. If you filter by the Residential contract type, none of the Master Contract 011 contracts display. This is to help prevent renewal issues for the master contract.
Select the contract type.- Renew Contracts with Open Service Calls
If you mark this checkbox, maintenance contracts with open service calls will appear in the scrolling window. If you do not mark this checkbox, processing may take longer.
If you are renewing a master contract when any open service calls exist on a contract, we recommend that you renew the contract from the Master Contract window and that you leave the prior contract OPEN. (Access the Master Contract window by going to Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and select the Master Contract indicator.
- Contract Expiration Date Range (required)
- The maintenance contracts that meet your criteria display in the scrolling window automatically as you tab off each filter above. You can zoom on the Contract No. to view the contract. You do not need to worry about renewing a contract twice; contracts that have already been renewed, even if they were left open, will not appear on the list.
Use the show/hide detail button to view contract information:- Contracts that have the Automatic Renew checkbox marked will be renewed after you select Commit.
- Only contracts that are less than 365 days will be renewed.
- If a customer is on hold or the contract is on hold or canceled, the contract will not be renewed.
If you do not wish for a contract to be closed automatically by the mass renewal process, mark the Leave Open checkbox. You can also Mark All or Unmark All. See Leaving a Contract Open for more information.
- If you have two contracts expiring at the same time but only wish to renew one of them, you must mark the Hold checkbox of the one not to be renewed. After running the commit process, unmark the Hold checkbox.
- Select Print to print the Contract Mass Renewal report. The report indicates if each contract will be successfully renewed. For an example of the report, see Contract Mass Renewal Reports in the Reports Guide.
- With the maintenance contracts that you wish to renew present in the scrolling window, select Commit. The commit process advances the start and end dates of the contract, creates a new billing and revenue recognition schedule, and removes the existing service call IDs from the maintenance tasks covered by the contract. It also moves the billing schedule, revenue recognition, and contract information to history for any contract that will be closed by the renewal process.
Buttons on This Window
- Preview
This button was originally used after entering filter criteria. The system now automatically displays the contracts as you tab off the filter fields. - Clear
Select to clear the entered filter criteria. - Commit
Select to commit the mass renewal. - Print
Select to print the Contract Mass Renewal report.