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Working With Customer Records

You can manage your customers through an easily accessible database that tracks names, addresses, and user-defined customer information. Customer records are created in Service Management using the Customer Maintenance window. When the information in the Customer Maintenance window is saved, Service Management's Customer and Location windows are updated. There are also Microsoft Dynamics GP versions of these windows, and many fields are shared between the Service Management and Microsoft Dynamics GP windows. Changing information on the Service Management Customer or Location windows changes the corresponding fields on the Microsoft Dynamics GP windows and vice versa.

To create a customer record in Service Management, you must have security access to the alternate Customer Maintenance, Customer Address Maintenance, and Customer Class Setup windows.

Creating Customer Records

  1. Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select Additional > Customer.
  3. Complete the following fields, as necessary.
    • Customer ID
      If you chose to automatically generate customer IDs, this field will populate automatically. Microsoft Dynamics GP does not support the use of an apostrophe (') in the customer ID.

    • Hold
      If you place a customer on hold, you can still create service calls and invoices, but you will receive a reminder message before the Service Call and Service Invoice windows open. You are still able to receive payments from a customer on hold, and contracts for that customer are still included in maintenance invoicing and revenue recognition. IMPORTANT: Placing a customer on hold will change the Stop-and-Go Light indicator to red. Depending on your setup, users may not be able to create a new service call for customers who are on hold. See Using Stop-and-Go Light with Receivables Status and Authorize specific users to add new calls for customer hold in Choosing Service Options.
    • Inactive
      Marking a customer as inactive will not affect the customer's file. The Stop-and-Go Light for the customer record will be red. When marked in the Customer Record, the Inactive check box displays as marked in the Service Manager and Maintenance Contract windows. When a customer has been marked inactive, the following restrictions occur: 
      • New service calls cannot be created.
      • New contracts cannot be created.
      • New master contracts cannot be created.
      • Existing master contracts cannot be renewed.
    • Temporary
      This checkbox is marked if you chose the Use Temporary Customers option in the Service Options window.
    • Name
      The Name defaults into the Short Name and Statement Name fields, which you can edit. See descriptions for those fields below.
    • Short Name
      The short name is used when the Name is too long. Short names may appear on reports and may be used as a sorting option for reports.
    • Corporate Customer ID
      This field is enabled only if you marked the Use Corporate Customer ID checkbox in the Service Options window.
    • Parent Customer ID
      This field is used if the customer belongs to a national account.
    • Statement Name
      The statement name prints on statements.
    • Class ID
      When you assign the customer to a class, several default entries appear in the Customer Maintenance Options and Customer Account Maintenance windows. If a service class was assigned to the customer class, default service information also appears. If you are using global filtering and have access to multiple branches, the Branch Setup window opens when you tab off this field. In this window, assign the customer to a branch. See Using Global Filters. If you marked the Use Postal Code Assignment checkbox in the Service Options window, the customer will be automatically assigned to a branch based on the postal code.
    • Salesperson ID, Territory ID
      Enter a salesperson and territory for the customer.
    • User-Defined 1, User-Defined 2
      User-defined information is used in Microsoft Dynamics GP. It is not shared with Service Management.
    • UPS Zone, Shipping Method, Tax Schedule ID
      The shipping method is used for tax calculations. The customer's tax schedule is used to calculate taxes for a Delivery; the tax schedule assigned to your company (Company Setup) is used if the shipping method is Pickup.
    • Comment 1, Comment 2
      Comments appear on the Customer Setup List and in the Customer Inquiry window.
    • Trade Discount, Payment Terms
      Enter a percentage for the customer's trade discount and select the terms of payment.
    • Discount Grace Period, Due Date Grace Period
      Enter the length of the grace period for the trade discount and payment due date.
    • Price Level
      Select a price level for the customer.
    • Priority
      Enter a single alphanumeric character as the priority for the customer. 1 is the highest priority; None, the lowest. You can allocate sales items by priority.
    • Contact Person, Phone, Fax
      Enter contact information and numbers for the customer's primary location. If you chose not to show contact fields in the Location window during setup, the Contact Person 2 field will be disabled.
    • Address ID, Location Name, Address fields
      Enter an address ID and name for the primary location, then fill in the address fields. This address ID appears as the default entry in the Ship To, Bill To, and Statement To fields.
    • Ship To, Bill To, Statement To
      Select address IDs for sending this customer's shipments, bills, and statements.
    • Service Area
      Enter the service area in which the location is found. The first and second technician IDs that have been assigned to the area (Service Area Setup window) default into the Primary Technician and Secondary Technician fields.
    • Primary Technician, Secondary Technician
      The primary technician for the primary location will be the default entry in the Service Call window's Technician ID field. The Primary Technician expansion button opens the Location Technicians window, where you can assign a technician to each skill level at this location. This function is used with the tasking feature in the Maintenance Contract module.
    • Labor Rate Group
      The labor rate establishes the billing amount for your technician's work at the location.
    • Price Matrix
      Pricing matrices are used to calculate the billing amount for inventory, equipment, materials, and all other costs except labor. The Price Matrix field shows the markup charged for the customer location.
    • Division, Service Call Priority
      Enter a division and priority for all service calls at this location. 1 is the highest priority; None, the lowest. These will be the default values in the Service Call window. If MobileTech is registered, the division is required and must be assigned at the customer location level. See Creating location records for information on entering customer locations.

    • Purchase Order Required
      Mark this checkbox if a P.O. number is required for service calls at this location. If this checkbox is marked, the Customer P.O. Number field in the Service Call window becomes a required field for calls of types other than MC or MCC.
    • Service Level ID
      If you are using service level agreements, select a service level ID for all calls at this location. The guaranteed times for each service call, except MCC calls, will be calculated. This default service level will be used to calculate guaranteed response times for calls that do not have a service level agreement assigned to them through a maintenance contract.
    • Time Zone
      This field is enabled if the Enable Time Zone Views checkbox is marked in Service Options. Select a time zone and the description defaults.
    • Ship Complete Documents
      Mark this checkbox if the customer does not accept partial shipments of Sales Order Processing documents.
  4. Select Save on the Customer Maintenance window.
  5. If you are using the Contact Management feature, complete the steps in Creating a Contact before creating location records.

You can use the Customer button to open the Signature Customer window, where you can add Service Management customer user-defined information.

You can use the Location button to open the Location window, where you can create multiple location records for the customer, as well as add location user-defined information. For more information, see Creating location records.

If you create a location record by zooming on the Address ID field on the Customer Maintenance window, the location record will be incomplete in Service Management. You should create Service Management location records using the Add button in the Location window.

You can use the Accounts button to view or edit the posting accounts assigned to this customer. You can use the Options button to view or enter additional credit, payment, and history options for this customer.

Creating Service Management Customers

  1. After setting up the customer in the Customer Maintenance window, select Save and then select Customer.
  2. The following fields auto-populate from the Customer Maintenance window:
    • Customer ID (including notes and attachments)
    • Name
    • Address ID
    • Address Information
    • Contact Person 1/Contact Person 2/Fax
    • Salesperson ID
    • Bill To ID
    • Hold/Inactive/Temporary checkboxes
    • Customer Payment Summary Icon
    • Branch Icon
  3. Additional fields that you can set up are:
    • USER-DEFINED lookup fields
      • Customer UDF 1 Lookup
      • Customer UDF 2 Lookup
    • USER-DEFINED fields
  4. See Writing Off a Trailing Purchase Price Variance for more information on the Write-Off fields.
  5. Mark to Disable Field Invoicing in MobileTech for this customer.  If marked, a MobileTech technician cannot create a field invoice for the customer.  The Disable Field Invoicing checkbox displays if Field Invoicing and Field Payments are registered, and UseFieldInvoicing is set to true in the MobileTech setup options.
  6. Select Save
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