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Creating a Contact

This feature allows you to assign contacts for that location or contract,  For example, you may want to have contact information for the building manager, janitor, office manager, or receptionist for each customer location. You can assign unlimited phone numbers to each contact record.

Creating a Contact From the Service Call Window

You can add a local contact from the Service Call window if you have Use Contact Management and Auto Create Location Contact on Service Call marked in Service Options. See Setting Up Contact Management.

  1. Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and then select New Call.
  3. In the Caller Name field, use the lookup to select an existing contact, or you can also enter the caller name (whole, partial, or new).
    If you enter:
    • An existing local contact, the Telephone Number and Email Address will populate once you tab off the Contact Name field.
    • A partial match for a name and tab off the field, the Service Contact Management window opens and displays a list of contacts that contains the characters entered. Double-click the contact in the list that displays or select New Contact to open the Location Contact Setup - Local window to add a new contact.  Complete the fields as needed and then select Save to return to the Service Call window. The contact will be saved as a master contact. For field information, see the following section.
    • A contact name that is not in the master contact table, as soon as you tab off the Contact Name field, the Location Contact Setup - Local window opens. Complete the fields as needed and then select Save to return to the Service Call window. The contact will be saved as a master contact. For field information, see the following section.
  4. Complete the rest of the Service Call window.

Creating a Contact From Contact Management

To create a contact:

  1. Select Cards > Service Management > Contact Management or you can access the Contact Management window from the Service Manager window by selecting the Go To button from the navigation ribbon and then selecting Location Contacts. When you access the Contact Management window from the Service Manager window, the displayed contacts are automatically filtered by the customer and location from the Service Manager window.

  2. In the Service Contact Management window, you can search to see if the contact already exists. 
  3. To create a new contact, select the New Contact button on the toolbar to open the Contact Setup window. Any information that you entered in the previous window will default into the Contact Setup window.
  4. Select the Contact Type:

    • Agency
      Agency contacts can be assigned to any number of contracts or locations, for example, within a fire or police department. 

    • Local
      Local contacts are specific to one location. If you are using Signature Customer Portal, this is where you set up your customers to use the portal. You can create a local contact from this window; however, keep in mind that you cannot attach a local contact to a location or maintenance contract from the Contact Setup window. We recommend that you create local contacts at the location and contract record levels.
  5. Enter the following information:
    • Contact Name
      Enter the contact name.
    • Primary Telephone
      Enter the contact's primary telephone number.
    • Phone Type
      Select the phone type. See Labeling Contact User-Defined Fields.
    • Contact Organization
      Enter the contact organization.
    • Address, City, State, ZIP Code
      Enter the address information.
    • Default Role Type
      Select the role type from the lookup window.
    • Email Address/PIN Number/Customer Portal Report Folder
      This provides login information and application data if this contact is a Customer Portal user.
      Enter any user-defined information.
    • Quick Note
      Use the Quick Note window to enter notes and other information. Unlike attached notes created with the notepad button, a quick note is always visible in the Contact Setup window.
  6. Select Save.

Buttons on This Window

  • Find
    Select Find to open the Service Contact Management window where you can use the lookup fields to locate the contact. See Searching for an Existing Contact.
  • Location
    Select Location to view locations the contact is assigned to. If this is a new contact, no locations will be assigned.
  • Contract
    Select Contract to view maintenance contracts the contact is assigned to. If this is a new contact, no contracts will be assigned to it.
  • Group
    This button is used with Customer Connect.
  • Mass Assign
    Select Mass Assign to open the Mass Assign Contacts window. You can mass assign or unassign the contact to locations and/or contracts. See Assigning Contacts to Locations.
  • Print
    Select Print to open the Print Contact List window. You can print all contacts or a range of contacts and can select from the following reports:
    • Summary - Prints the basic contact information including the name and address.
    • Detail - Prints all of the contact information including the name, address, phone information, and email address.
    • Labels (2 column) - Prints the contact address information in a two-column label format.
    • Labels (3 column) - Prints the contact address information in a three-column label format.
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