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Entering Equipment Meter Readings

If you marked the Use Equipment Readings checkbox in the Service Options window, a Meter Readings/Hours button is present in the Equipment window. Use this button to track information for a piece of equipment. In addition to the Reading Date and Reading By fields, there are 25 user-defined fields. See Labeling Meter Readings/Hours User-Defined Fields. If you have numerous unused user-defined fields, you may want to use Microsoft Dynamics GP Modifier to change the layout of the Meter Readings/Hours window.

To enter an equipment reading:

  1. Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager > Additional > Equipment. Select the equipment and then select Edit.OR Select Cards > Sales > Customer > Location > Equipment.
  2. In the Equipment Master window, select Meter Readings/Hours.
  3. Enter the Reading Date.
  4. Enter a technician or use the lookup in the Reading By field to select a technician. If you enter a technician that is not in the lookup list, the technician will not be added to the lookup list.
  5. Enter additional information in the remaining 25 User-Defined fields.
  6. Select Save. (Select the Clear button to clear all entries made in the fields and display the format of each user-defined field.)

User-Defined Field Formats

  • The first five fields can contain a number between 0 and 99,999,999.
  • Fields 6 through 15 can contain a number between 0.00 and 999999.99.
  • Fields 16 through 18 are date fields to enter the month, day, and year of user-defined information.
  • Fields 19 and 20 can contain a value from $0.00 to $999,999,999.99.
  • Fields 21 through 25 are text fields that can contain up to 30 alphanumeric characters or symbols.

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