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Using the Task Code Lookup

Once task codes have been created, you can use the Task Code lookup to search for active task codes to assign to equipment, records, or active task lists. The Task Code lookup offers filters to help locate task codes. When accessing the Task Code Lookup from the Task Code Setup window, the default view displays all task codes, however, you can filter the displayed task codes by active, inactive, or all. When the Task Code Lookup window is accessed from any other window, the view defaults to Active.

Only active task codes can be viewed and/or entered in a Task Code field on any window when using the task code lookup.

When you have entered search criteria, use the Redisplay button to populate the upper scroll window with tasks limited to your search.

When the upper scroll window populates with task codes based on your search criteria, use the Go button to quickly locate items in the list. To use the Go button, enter a partial entry in the Task Code field and select the green arrow. The scrolling window will be positioned on the first occurrence of your entry.

If you are viewing a record when you open the Task Maintenance or Task Code lookup window, information from the record, such as equipment ID, will default in the Task Code Lookup window. If you would like to start from a blank window, select Clear and the information will be removed.

  • System, Major, Sub 1 - Sub 4
    These fields are used to filter task code data that is for reference only. Use the Redisplay button after entering filtering data and task codes that meet the criteria will populate the list below. For more information on setting up lookup data for these fields, see Setting Up System, Major, Sub 1-4.
  • Task List ID
    To select a task from a task list, enter the Task List ID in this field, or select a Task List ID from the lookup. Select Go, and all items from the selected task list will display in the list below.
  • Task Code
    Enter a whole or partial task code entry and select Go. All task codes that contain your search criteria will display in the list below.
  • Contract Number
    This field shows the contract number for which you are adding tasks to the equipment. It is defaulted by the system.
  • Equipment ID
    To select an Equipment Record, use the browse buttons around the equipment field or use the lookup to open the Contract Equipment window. You can add tasks to multiple equipment records on one contract. The Equipment Description entered in the Equipment Maintenance window displays below the Equipment ID.
  • Contract Task List ID
    Use the Contract Task List ID field to attach tasks to the contract using task lists. Select a Contract Task List ID from the lookup. The tasks from that list will display in the Task Code scroll list at the bottom of the window.
  • Description
    This field will default in based on the Contract Task List ID that has been selected.
  • Task List Type
    This field will default in based on the Contract Task List ID that has been selected.
  • Start Task based on first available service date
    Mark this box if you want the maintenance tasks on a contract to be scheduled on the first available service call date, regardless of the task's assigned schedule.
  • Show Subtasks
    Mark this checkbox to view subtasks associated with the displayed tasks. Subtasks will appear indented under their task code in the scrolling windows.
  1. Add tasks and subtasks by selecting a record in the upper scrolling window and choosing Insert >>. Once tasks appear in the lower scrolling window, they are automatically saved. If you insert a task code with subtasks, all the subtasks insert with it. If you insert a subtask, the parent code is inserted as well. You can insert subtasks more than once. You can edit a task and its subtasks on the fly by selecting a task code in the list and zooming in on it. This will open the Task Code Setup window. Use the arrow buttons to move tasks and subtasks in the upper scrolling window. You can also control the insertion point of a task or subtask by selecting a task in the bottom window. The task code is inserted after the selected item. If nothing is selected on the bottom, the task code is inserted at the bottom of the list.
  2. Use the Task Code field that appears between the scrolling windows to quickly add or remove task codes associated with a piece of equipment without using the lookup.
  3. When you have finished adding tasks, subtasks, materials, or task lists to the equipment, Save the Maintenance Tasks window and close it.
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