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Integration With Equipment Management Series

If you are using both Service Management and Equipment Management, you may have equipment records in Service Management that are linked to equipment records in Equipment Management.

Actions That Update Both Records

The following actions will update both records.

  • When Service Management equipment is moved, the link to the Equipment Management record is also updated with the new customer, location, and/or equipment ID.
  • When a new Equipment Management record is created through New Equipment Entry, you can create the record in Service Management as well.
  • When a new Equipment Management record is created through Equipment Manager, you can create the record in Service Management as well.
  • When a new Service Management record is created through SOP, you can create the record in Equipment Management as well.
  • When a new Service Management record is created through a purchase order, you can create the record in Equipment Management as well.
  • When updating an equipment record, the manufacturer, model, equipment type, and serial number are updated for both records.
  • When deleting equipment records in Service Management, the Equipment Management link is removed.

Updating the EM Record When Equipment Is Moved in Service Management

If you are using both Service Management and Equipment Management, you may have equipment records in Service Management that are linked to equipment records in Equipment Management. When a Service Management equipment record is updated with a new customer, location, and/or equipment ID, the service information on the Equipment Management record is now updated automatically. This keeps the two equipment records in sync when equipment is moved.

Linking Service Information to an EM Equipment Record

The link between Equipment Management and Service Management equipment records is created on the Service tab of the Equipment Manager (Cards > Equipment > Equipment Manager).
After a link is established, the service fields on the Equipment Manager are disabled for editing. You cannot edit these fields manually without removing the link first; any updates to service information must be performed using the Service Management Move Equipment utility.
You can make changes to the link between the Service Management and Equipment Management equipment records in three ways:

  • Use the Remove Link button to remove the link to the Service Management equipment record. 

    Removing the link to the Service Management equipment also removes any service history information on the Svc. Hist. tab.

  • Use the Move Equipment button to open the Move Equipment window, where you can move equipment records from one location to another.
  • Use the Move Location utility to move location records from one customer to another.

Moving Service Equipment

The Move Equipment utility allows you to move service equipment from one location to another. When you use this utility to make changes to an equipment record location in Service Management, the Equipment Management record is updated as well.

  1. To open the Move Equipment window, select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > Service Management > Move Equipment, or use the Move Equipment button on the Service tab of the Equipment Manager in Equipment Management.
  2. Enter the Old Location of the equipment you are moving. If you opened this window directly from the Equipment Management record in Equipment Manager, the Old Location information defaults.
  3. Enter the New Location. You can change the customer and location during the move, as well as the Equipment ID.
  4. Select Move. The service equipment is moved, and the equipment record in Equipment Management is updated to reflect these changes.

Moving Service Locations

The Move Location utility allows you to move a location record from one customer to another. Service history and equipment information is transferred when a location is moved. When you use this utility to make changes in Service Management, the service information on the equipment record is updated in Equipment Management as well.

  1. Open the Move Location window by choosing Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > Service Management > Move Location.
  2. Enter Old Location and New Location information.
  3. Select Move. The service location is moved, and the equipment record in Equipment Management is updated to reflect these changes.

Creating Records Through New Equipment Entry

When you use the New Equipment Entry utility to create an equipment record in Equipment Management, you are now prompted to create a new equipment record and link to that record in Service Management.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > Equipment > New Equipment Entry.
  2. Complete the fields for creating a new equipment entry in Equipment Management, then select Create. When prompted if you are sure you want to create the equipment record, select Create.
  3. A second message appears, asking if you want to create the equipment record in Service Management as well. Select Create. When the Equipment Management record is generated, you are brought to the Service tab of the Equipment Manager window.
  4. Enter the service Customer and Location, then create a New Link to Service Management. A new equipment record is created in Service Management as well when you save the record.
  5. Complete additional details on the Equipment Management and Service Management equipment records, as necessary.

Creating Records Through Equipment Manager

When you create a new Equipment Management equipment record in the Equipment Manager window, you are now prompted to create a new equipment record and link to that record in Service Management.

  1. Select Cards > Equipment > Equipment Manager.
  2. Complete the required fields on the header and the Details tab to create the new equipment record. When you are ready, select Save. The following message appears: Do you want to create this Equipment in Service Management? Select Create, and you are brought to the Service tab of the Equipment Manager window.
  3. Enter the service Customer and Location, then create a New Link to Service Management. A new equipment record is created in Service Management.
  4. Complete additional details on the Equipment Management and Service Management equipment records, as necessary.

Creating Records Through SOP

If the automatic equipment add feature is set up, a Service Management equipment record is automatically created at the customer location when you sell a piece of equipment from your inventory using Sales Order Processing (SOP). This process can create an equipment record in Equipment Management as well.

Set up the Automatic Equipment Add Feature

When you sell an inventory item that has an equipment type assigned to it, the Service Management equipment record is created when that item is sold.
Refer to the Service Management user manual for more information on the criteria required to automatically add equipment through Sales Order Processing.

Mark the Option to Create the Link to EMS

For each equipment type, you can specify whether you also wish to create an Equipment Management equipment record when an inventory item of that equipment type is sold.

You must have a manufacturer and model assigned to an equipment type to create the equipment in Equipment Management. The manufacturer and model fill on the Equipment Management equipment record based on what is assigned to the equipment type.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Equipment > Equipment Types.
  2. Select an Equipment Type. To create the equipment record in Equipment Management when selling an inventory item in this type, the Manufacturer ID and Equipment Model Number fields cannot be blank.
  3. Mark the Create Link to Equipment Series checkbox.
  4. Select Save.

Complete the Sales Order

  1. Select Transactions > Sales > Sales Transaction Entry.
  2. Complete the Sales Transaction Entry window as you would when selling equipment inventory. The inventory item you select must have an item type of Sales Inventory and an assigned equipment type.
  3. When you are ready, save the transaction.
  4. Post the batch to create the equipment record in Service Management, either at the Ship to Address, or, if specified, at the service call or job location. A corresponding equipment record is also created in Equipment Management with the Signature Service Management information filled on the Service tab. Additional equipment details can be added to both the Equipment Management and Service Management records after the sale.

Creating Records Through a Purchase Order

When a purchase order for an inventory item is processed, if the inventory item is linked to an equipment model, an equipment record is automatically created in Equipment Management. This process now creates an equipment record in Service Management as well.

  1. Select Transactions > Purchasing > Purchase Order Entry.
  2. Complete the Purchase Order Entry window as usual. When you add an inventory item that is linked to an equipment model, the Purchasing Equipment Creation Entry window opens.
  3. Enter information for the new Equipment Management record. If you would like to create a Service Management record as well, enter a Customer ID and Address Code. Your entries in the Model, Equipment Type, and Manufacturer fields apply to both the Equipment Management and Service Management equipment records.
  4. Select Create to create the Equipment Management record(s) and generate a new Equipment Management Equipment ID for each new record. If you chose to create a Service Management record and filled the appropriate fields, the WS Equipment ID is generated as well. You can still change, add, or delete the Customer ID, Address Code, and WS Equipment ID before the Service Management record is created.
  5. Select OK to return to the purchase order. The Equipment Management and Service Management equipment records will be created when the purchase is processed.

Updating Equipment Records

When Equipment Management and Service Management equipment are linked, the following fields are updated on both records whenever a change is made:

  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Serial Number
  • Equipment Type

To make changes to a Service Management equipment record

  1. Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager, and select a customer.
  2. Use the Equipment button to select an equipment record, and zoom on the Equipment ID field.
  3. The Manufacturer ID, Model Number, Serial Number, and Equipment Type fields can be edited on the main tab of the Equipment Master window.
  4. Select Save to save your changes. When the record is saved, the corresponding Equipment Management equipment record is also updated with your changes.

To make changes to an Equipment Management equipment record

  1. Select Cards > Equipment > Equipment Manager, and select an equipment record.
  2. The Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, and Equipment Type fields can be edited on the header and Details tab of the Equipment Manager window.
  3. Select Save to save your changes. When the record is saved, the corresponding Service Management equipment record is also updated with your changes.

Deleting an Equipment Record in Service Management

When you delete an equipment record in Service Management, if that record is linked to equipment in Equipment Management, the link to the Service Management record is removed when the record is deleted.

  1. Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer, and zoom on the Location Address ID field.
  3. Use the Equipment button to open the Equipment Master window, or select an equipment record.
  4. Select Delete, and you receive the following warning: This equipment is linked to an equipment record in Equipment Management Series. Are you sure you want to delete this equipment and remove the link to Equipment Management?
  5. Select Yes. The Service Management record is deleted, and the link to Service Management is removed on the corresponding Equipment Management record. The Equipment Management record is not deleted.

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