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Viewing Job History

You can review the history of closed jobs in the Job History window and can drill down to view summary and detail history of cost codes, transactions, billings, user-defined information, and notes written for the job. You can also print historical job invoices.

Job history is useful for reviewing charges and estimates of closed jobs, and tracking performance and profitability. History information can also help you estimate future jobs and provide direction to your company when pursuing new jobs.

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History. Information that can be viewed in the Job History window includes the Job number, Project Manager and Estimator for the job, and the Date the job was closed. The Posted Cost, Estimated Cost, and Forecasted Cost for the job are displayed for each cost element. You can drill down on posted costs to see the cost code and transaction history information. The Contract Type, Original Contract amount, Change Order Total amounts, and Total Contract amount are displayed in the lower-left corner of the window. The Estimated Hours, Actual Hours, Actual Markup, and Markup Percent are displayed in the lower right corner of the window.
  2. Select the following buttons to access additional historical information:
    • Billing: Select to view the billing history of a closed job in the History Billing Inquiry window. You can print a list of bills and view the history and details of job invoices. You can also print the invoices. See Viewing Billing History.
    • User-Defined: Select to view the user-defined information for a closed job in the Job User-Defined History window. See Viewing Job User-Defined History.
    • Change Orders: Select to view change order details, including cash receipts, for historical (closed) jobs. Viewing Change Order History
    • Status by PeriodYou can view the status of a job by fiscal period. This allows you to track cost trends across multiple periods. You can view job status for posted costs and forecasted costs. Open and closed periods are included. See Viewing Job Status by Period
    • Job expansion button: Select to to view historical job information. On the Job Maintenance History window, you can select the RPO Codes button to view revenue code history. See Viewing Job Maintenance History.
    • Notes button - Viewing History Notes
    • Revenue Code: Select to to view revenue codes on closed jobs in a window that is similar in look and feel to the Revenue Code Status window. Viewing Revenue Code History
  3. Select the Print to choose from the following reports:
    • JC Job Status History Report: Prints the job history information.
    • Job Notes: Prints all notes for the job.
    • Custom Job Reports: If you have created any custom Job reports, they will be displayed here. See Custom SSRS Job Cost Reports.

Job History Window

This window allows you to view closed jobs in a window that is similar to the Job Status window.
Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History.

Viewing Billing History

You can view the billing history of a closed job in the History Billing Inquiry window. You can print a list of bills and view the history and details of job invoices. You can also print the invoices.

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History.
  2. Select a job, then select Billing.
  3. To print the History Invoice Transactions Billing report, select File > Print.
  4. Double-click a document in the History Billing Inquiry window to open the Job Invoice History window. Select Print to print the invoice. The invoice styles available are based on the job's billing type.
  5. Select Schedule in the Job Invoice History window to view detailed history information of the invoice. The billing type for the job determines which window opens.
    • If the billing type is Standard, the Standard Invoice History window opens.
    • If the billing type is Cost Code or User-Defined, the Schedule Invoice History window opens.
    • If the billing type is Transaction Level, the History Transactions Inquiry window opens.

Viewing Cash Receipts History

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History.
  2. Select a job, then select the Billing button. The History Billing Inquiry window opens.
  3. Select an invoice.
  4. Zoom on Cash Received.

Viewing Cash Receipts History

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History.
  2. Select a job, then select the Billing button. The History Billing Inquiry window opens.
  3. Select an invoice.
  4. Zoom on Cash Received.

Viewing Job User-Defined History

You can view the user-defined information for a closed job in the Job User-Defined History window.

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History.
  2. Select a Job.
  3. Select the User-Defined button to open the Job User-Defined History window, displaying the historical user-defined information for the job. Active user-defined fields are not included in the window.

The user-defined history information is deleted when the Remove Job History utility is run in Signature Utilities.

Viewing Change Order History

You can view change order details - including cash receipts - for historical (closed) jobs.

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History.
  2. Select a job.
  3. Select the Change Orders button.
  4. Double-click a change order to select. The Change Orders Zoom window opens.
  5. Select Cost Codes to view cost code information.
  6. Select Bill Codes to view bill code information.

Viewing Status by Period History

You can view the status of a job by fiscal period for historical (closed) jobs. You can view job status for posted costs and forecasted costs. Open and closed periods are included.

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History.
  2. Select a job.
  3. Select the Status By Period button.
  4. Costs display for each period by cost element. The most recent period appears on the far right; the oldest period appears on the far left. The default tab is Forecasted Costs. To view posted costs, select the Posted Costs tab.
  5. You can change the year and period using the Year and Period ID drop-down lists. Select the year and/or period and select Redisplay. Contract and billing information appears at the bottom of the window.
  6. To print a Forecasted Costs by Period or Posted Costs by Period report, select the appropriate tab and select Print.

Viewing Transaction History

You can view the detail history of a cost code, including estimate and actual costs and production information in the Cost Codes Detail History window. You can also view transaction and production unit history summaries.

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History.
  2. Select a Job and zoom on a posted cost element.
  3. Zoom on a cost code to open the Cost Codes Detail History window.
  4. Select the View Transactions button or zoom on the actual amount to open the Transaction Summary History window.
  5. Select File > Print to print the History Transaction Journal report.
  6. In the Transaction Summary History window, double-click a transaction to view transaction detail. The cost element type determines which window opens. If the transaction is for a labor cost code, the Payroll History Zoom window opens. If the transaction is not a labor transaction, the Payables Transaction Entry Zoom window opens.
  7. In the Cost Codes Detail History window, select View Production Units to open the Production Units History Summary window, showing the transaction, type, field percent, and production quantities for the cost code.

Viewing Job Maintenance History

This window provides a way to view historical job information. You access this window from the Job History window.

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History.
  2. Select a job, then select the expansion arrow in the Job field. The Job Maintenance History window opens.

Viewing History Notes

You can view the history of notes written on the closed job in the History Notes Inquiry window.

  1. Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History.
  2. Select a job, then select the notepad button in the Job field.
  3. Select a note in the History Notes Inquiry window and zoom on the Index Name field.

Viewing Revenue Code History

This window allows you to view revenue codes on closed jobs in a window that is similar in look and feel to the Revenue Code Status window.
Select Inquiry > Job Cost > Job History > Revenue Code.

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