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Applying Credit Memos to Job Invoices

The Microsoft Dynamics GP Apply Sales Documents window is used to apply credit memos and payments to invoices. 

  1. To access the Apply Sales Documents window, go to Transactions > Sales > Apply Sales Documents
  2. Enter the Customer ID used as the Bill to Customer for the job invoices or use the Customer ID lookup to select the appropriate customer.
  3. In the Type field, select Credit Memo
  4. Select the Document Number you wish to apply as a credit memo using the lookup provided. When using the lookup, a list of Open (unapplied) Cash Documents display.
  5. Back on the Apply Sales Documents window, the scrolling window displays the job invoices that have the same job ID as the selected credit memo.
  6. Mark the checkbox(es) to the left of the job invoice(s) that are applying the credit memo to.
  7. Select OK.
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