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Project Level

Job Cost's optional Project Level feature allows you to combine multiple jobs into a project so that you can view jobs from the project level. This may be useful if you have multiple divisions working together to complete a single contract, but each division works on its own job. The Project Level feature allows for fixed (cost of construction) and time and materials (T&M) projects. In addition, you can set up reimbursable expense jobs to bill projects for reimbursable expenses (such as travel, mileage, and hotels) incurred on jobs. The Project Level feature also features project-level billing, which allows you to create a schedule for billing multiple jobs on a single invoice. Project-level invoices can be created with or without bill codes. Third-party billing is supported in project-level billing. Project-level billing creates a single Accounts Receivables transaction while distributing revenue to multiple jobs, divisions, or General Ledger accounts.

 For purchasing information, contact WennSoft Sales.

Project Level invoicing does not support:

  • Multicurrency
  • Payment terms with discounts

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