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Entering Inventory Transactions in Service Management

When using the Inventory button in the Service Invoice or Service Call Status window, the type of transaction will vary depending on Service Management setup options. You can enter the inventory cost transaction using Sales Order Processing (SOP) or as an adjustment.

Entering Inventory Transactions Using SOP

You will need SOP registered for the integration to work. In addition, the Use Sales Order Processing option must be marked in the Invoice Options window (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Invoice Setup > Invoice Options) and the Maintenance Options window (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Maintenance Setup > Maintenance Options).

Entering inventory transactions using SOP involves the following:

  • Step 1: Complete the sales transaction entry window
  • Step 2: Enter user-defined information

Step 1: Complete the Sales Transaction Entry Window

  1. Access the Sales Transaction Entry window from one of the following paths:
    • From the Service Call History window: 
      • Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and select the History indicator.  In the Service Call Lookup by Customer window, double-click a call, select Invoice, and then select the Inventory button.
    • From the Service Call Status window:
      • Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and select the History indicator.  In the Service Call Lookup by Customer window, double-click a call. From the Service Call window, select Go To, and select Service Call Status. Select the Inventory button.
      • From the main Inquiry navigation, select Service Management, and select Service Call Status. If you have the service call ID, you can enter that in the Service Call ID field and tab off to automatically populate the Customer ID and Location Address ID fields and the service call information. Select the Inventory button.
  2. The Sales Transaction Entry window opens. An association is made between the service call and the inventory transaction when you select the Inventory button. This link to the service call is broken after you save the window. If you want to enter multiple inventory transactions for this same service call, exit and re-enter the Sales Transaction Entry window before creating another entry, or use the User-Defined button to open the window where you can enter the service call ID. This ensures the document is linked to the service call as an inventory transaction and does not result in the creation of an accounts receivables transaction.
  3. Complete the Sales Transaction Entry window. See the Microsoft Dynamics GP Sales Order Processing Manual for information.
    The Customer ID and Customer Name fields default from the Service Invoice window. If you want to change the customer ID, you must delete the sales transaction and enter a new one. If you select a document type of Quote, the transaction will not appear on the service invoice, although the information is saved in Microsoft Dynamics GP and is available when you transfer the quote. Order, invoice, returns, and back order amounts saved in Microsoft Dynamics GP appear in the Materials cost category on the service invoice, with costs appearing in the Actual Cost column. You can post individual transactions from Microsoft Dynamics GP or post the invoice from Service Management. SOP invoices must be posted from Microsoft Dynamics GP. Price matrices are not used when calculating billing amounts for inventory items. The billing amount comes from Microsoft Dynamics GP price levels. Trade discount, freight, miscellaneous, and tax amounts are not included with the service invoice amount when entering transactions through SOP. 

    You cannot mark the individual sales order or quote document as repeating in the Sales Document Detail Entry window (Transactions > Sales Trx Entry > Document No. field expansion button). Also, you cannot assign an SOP transaction to a service call or job using the User-Defined Field Entry window if the individual SOP sales order or quote document is marked as repeating.

Step 2: Enter User-Defined Information

  • In the Sales Transaction Entry window, select User-Defined. The Sales User-Defined Fields Entry window opens. See the Microsoft Dynamics GP Sales Order Processing Manual for information on completing the window.
  • The Type field is disabled with the Service Management radio button selected and the service call ID entered. You can change the service call ID using the lookup window. However, if you delete the service call ID and leave the window, the service call ID will not default if you reopen the window. You don't have to open this window before saving the sales transaction. You are not able to mark the individual sales order or quote document as repeating in the Sales Document Detail Entry window (Transactions > Sales Trx Entry > Document No. field expansion button). Also, you cannot assign a SOP transaction to a service call or job using the User-Defined Field Entry window if the individual SOP sales order or quote document is marked as repeating.

If you delete a transaction, the associated materials costs will be removed in the Service Management Invoicing module. See Editing Cost Transactions From Service Management.

Entering Inventory Transactions as Adjustments

If you're using the Inventory module and don't have SOP registered, you can enter inventory transactions as adjustments. Due to complete integration with Microsoft Dynamics GP inventory transactions can be modified through Service Management or Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Inventory transactions will be reflected only in the second cost code on the Service Invoice.

You can also access the Item Transaction Entry window through Microsoft Dynamics GP. However, you must manually select the Service Management radio button in the Trx Type field and enter the service call ID for the transaction to be reflected on the service invoice.

An alternate Inventory Adjustments Edit List report is available that includes the service call and/or job and cost code. View a sample report by going to Inventory Adjustments Edit List in the Reports guide.

Entering an inventory transaction as an adjustment involves the following:

  • Step 1: Complete the Item Transaction Entry window.
  • Step 2: Complete the Signature fields.
  • Step 3: Save or post the transaction.

Step 1: Complete the Item Transaction Entry Window

  1. Access the Sales Transaction Entry window from one of the following paths:
    • From the Service Call History window: 
      • Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and select the History indicator. Double-click a call, select Invoice, and then select the Inventory button.
    • From the Service Call Status window:
      • Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and select the History indicator. Double-click a call. From the Service Call window, select Go To, and select Service Call Status. The Customer ID, Location Address ID, and Service Call ID fields are automatically populated from the service call and the service call information. Select the Inventory button.
      • From the main Inquiry navigation, select Service Management, and select Service Call Status. If you have the service call ID, you can enter that in the Service Call ID field and tab off to automatically populate the Customer ID and Location Address ID fields and the service call information. Select the Inventory button.
  2. Complete the Item Transaction Entry window. See the Microsoft Dynamics GP Inventory Control Manual for information.

When using the Copy button in the Item Maintenance window, the equipment type will not be copied to the new item.

Step 2: Complete the Signature Fields

  1. Select the transaction type. If you are using both Service Management and Job Cost, you can apply the inventory transaction to a service call or a job using the Trx Type field. The Service Management radio button is marked by default and the service call ID appears in the Job Number field. If you select the Job Cost radio button, use the lookup to select a job. The Inventory Transactions window opens for you to enter a cost code. See Entering inventory transactions in the Job Cost User Manual.
  2. Edit the billing amount. With the Job Number field complete, you can select the expansion button to open the Service Costs - Inventory window. The billing amount fills in for you based on the price matrix selected for the location. You can use the lookup button in the Equipment field to attach the inventory item to a piece of equipment. Save the record and close the Service Costs - Inventory window to return to the Item Transaction Entry window.

Step 3:  Save or Post the Transaction

Select to save or post the transaction in the Item Transaction Entry window. Select Save to save the inventory transaction to a batch. Select Post to immediately post the inventory transaction through Microsoft Dynamics GP.
See Editing Cost Transactions From Service Management.

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