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Using Sales Order Processing

Job Cost integrates with Sales Order Processing (SOP). In addition to invoice costs being updated in Job Cost, you can use the full invoicing system of SOP, including pricing, invoice formats, and line item taxes.
When entering inventory transactions using SOP, you can select whether to bill through SOP or bill through Job Cost.

If you are using SOP to bill jobs, see Setting up SOP Invoicing in Job Cost. If you are using SOP only to enter inventory transactions and will bill jobs through Job Cost, see Entering Inventory Transactions Using SOP.

The Sales Order Processing module must have been purchased to enter sales order transactions.

When using SOP invoicing with Job Cost, consider the following:

  • You can have multiple SOP documents for a single job.
  • Retention will not be withheld from SOP billing-type jobs.
  • Repeating documents are not allowed with SOP billing-type jobs.
  • You cannot bill for inactive jobs using SOP invoicing. To bill for inactive jobs, you must use the Job Invoice Entry feature in Job Cost (Transactions >Job Cost > Job Invoice Entry).
  • Billing amounts from other modules, such as Payables Management and Inventory Control, do not automatically appear on SOP invoices, even though the costs are applied to the SOP billing-type jobs. To include billing amounts on SOP invoices, you can reenter these transactions as service-type inventory items through SOP with a $0 cost applied to the job and cost code.

If using SOP invoicing, we recommend that you enter all inventory and purchasing items as SOP transactions.

Tracking Warranty Part Transactions Through SOP

You can create warranty transactions that allow you to track warranty replacement items by customer. The standard sales transaction can be modified automatically to use different posting accounts for warranty item reimbursements and replacements than the posting accounts used for new sales.

About Warranty Accounts

You may select to use separate accounts for tracking replacement parts and reimbursements. When you have an invoice type defined for warranty transactions, creating an SOP document with that invoice ID automatically modifies the transaction window; if you select, this can include replacing the default posting accounts with designated "warranty" accounts.

Before completing warranty parts setup, think about the account masks that you want to overwrite the default sales, receivables, and COGS accounts for each line item. The main segment of each posting account is overwritten, and the resulting accounts are used on the transaction.

Sales Account: 000-2110-00
Sales Mask: 300-????-?? 
Resulting Account: 300-2110-00

If the account that would result from the mask does not already exist, the existing account will be used on the transaction. Before you set up account masks, make sure the resulting accounts are set up.

To determine which is the main segment in your accounts, select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Company > Account Format.

When you set up account masks, define only the main segment; this is the segment of the posting accounts that will be overwritten.

Setting Up Warranty Parts Processing Through SOP

Complete the following steps to define when an SOP document will be used as a warranty transaction and how the standard SOP transaction will be modified.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Invoice Setup > Warranty Parts Setup.
  2. Complete the following fields, as necessary:
    • Invoice ID
      An SOP invoice of this type will function as a warranty transaction. You can zoom on this field if you want to create a new Invoice ID for this purpose. You can set up as many warranty invoice types as you like.
    • Tax Schedule ID
      Select a tax schedule to fill onto the warranty transaction. If you leave this field blank, the tax schedule fills based on the customer.
    • Sales Mask, Receivables Mask, COGS Mask
      If you want to use separate accounts to track replacement parts and reimbursements, define the main segments of the accounts that you want to use. These masks overwrite the main segments of the default posting accounts on the transaction. See About Warranty Accounts. If you select to leave these fields blank, the default accounts for either the item or the customer fill on the transaction, as defined in SOP setup.
    • Customer ID, Address
      Select the customer that is assigned to the warranty and who will reimburse for the cost of the replacement part.

Creating a Warranty Transaction

When creating an invoice in the Sales Transaction Entry window, entering the Invoice ID that is defined as a warranty transaction type allows you to track a warranty transaction instead of a sale.

  1. Select Transactions > Sales > Sales Transaction Entry.
  2. Complete any necessary fields, including the following:
    • Type
      Select Invoice.
    • Type ID
      Select an Invoice ID that was defined as a warranty transaction in the Warranty Parts Setup window.
    • Customer ID
      Select the customer who is receiving the replacement item.
    • Customer PO Number
      You can use this field to enter the warranty claim number.

After you select the type ID and customer, the following modifications occur to turn the sales transaction into a warranty transaction:

  • The tax schedule fills from the Warranty Parts setup window; if no Tax Schedule ID was assigned to the Invoice ID, the tax schedule defaults based on the customer.
  • The Salesperson and Territory that would normally default for a sale are removed when you create a warranty transaction. These fields will be empty if you view the sales Commission Entry window using the Commissions button.
  • The transaction cannot be linked to a service call or job, and the option to do so no longer appears in the Sales User-Defined Fields Entry window (User-Defined button).
  • When you enter the Item Number of the replacement part, you may need to change the Unit Price if the amount that will be refunded for the item under warranty is different than its sale price. The main segments from each of the account masks that you defined in warranty parts setup overwrite the default posting accounts for the line item. If the account that is created by the mask does not exist, you receive an error message.

Use the Distributions button if you need to manually enter any accounts that do not default or view the posting accounts for the line item.

See also:

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