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Setting Up Azure Cloud Storage

Azure Cloud Storage provides secure storage for data in the cloud. You can use WennSoft-hosted storage or your self-hosted Azure Cloud storage. After you have set up the Azure Cloud Storage, this will be used for all file management with WennSoft including Signature, MobileTech, and Schedule.

Cloud storage requires an Advanced Document Management license. Contact WennSoft Sales for pricing information. For information about Azure Cloud storage, see Microsoft’s Introduction to Azure Storage.

Prepare Azure for WennSoft Cloud Storage 

  1. Sign in to your company's Azure account with administrator privileges. 

  1. Search for “storage accounts” and click on Storage accounts link that displays under Services. 

Click to view screenshot.
storage accounts.png
  1. Create a new account or utilize an existing one. 

  1. After the account is created, on the left navigation select Data Storage, and then select Containers.

Click to view screenshot.
data storage containers.png
  1. Give the container a name and make sure the Anonymous access level is set to Private.

Click to view screenshot.
container name.png
  1. After the container is created, from the left navigation in the container, select Settings, and then select Shared access tokens.

  2. Select all items within Permissions.

Click to view screenshot.
  1. Select a start and expiration date for the token. The Signature Cloud Storage service will use this token to access the container, so you'll need to generate a new token once it expires.

  1. Click the Generate SAS token and URL button. 

  1. Copy the token and URL to a secure location as this information will not be retrievable after you close this window.  The provided token and URL are required to set up cloud storage within WennSoft Signature. 

Install Signature Azure Services Add-In

Before setting up the Azure Cloud Storage in the Document Storage Setup window, you must enter the WennSoft Cloud Host Key. The Signature Azure Services Add-In requires Signature 2024 or higher. Before installing, you must be logged out of Microsoft Dynamics GP.

  1. Right-click on the Signature Azure Services 18.x.x.exe file and select Run as Administrator.

  2. Select Next.

  3. Accept the license agreement on the End-User License Agreement window and select Next.

  4. Enter the WennSoft Cloud Host Key provided by WennSoft Sales and select Next.

  5. Enter your SQL Server Settings:

    • SQL Server

    • Admin SQL User

    • Password

    • GP System Database

  6. Select Next.

  7. On the Select Installation Folder window, verify the correct location of the Microsoft Dynamics GP AddIn folder and select Next.

  8. Select Install.

  9. After the Add-in has completed the installation, select Next.

  10. Select Finish.

  11. Continue to the steps below to access the Document Storage Setup window to finish setting up Azure Cloud Storage.

Document Storage Setup Window

  1. The Document Storage Setup window can be accessed in the following locations:

    • Settings > Service Management > Module Setup > Document Storage Setup

    • Settings > Job Cost > Job Cost Setup > Document Storage Setup

  2. In the Default Storage Location section, select Cloud Storage.

  3. Complete the following fields. You can find this information in your storage account in the Azure Portal.

    • Container Name

    • Access Key

    • Connection String

  4. Select Save.

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