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Generating Retention Invoices

Once the subcontractor's job is complete to everyone's satisfaction, the retention amount can be paid. If the subcontractor to which the job is assigned is marked on hold in the Subcontractors Maintenance window, then retention invoices will be marked on hold and cannot be processed. See Select subcontractor options.

  1. Select Transactions > Job Cost > Subcontractor Retention.
  2. Select a Job.
  3. In the scrolling window, mark individual retention invoices or select Mark All to create retention vouchers in Payables Management. To view information on a transaction, select the document number of a marked transaction and zoom on the Apply to Document field. In the Payables Transaction Entry Zoom window, select Distributions to view distribution information.
  4. Select Process in the Subcontractors Retention window. A message appears asking if you are sure you want to process the retention transactions. Select Process. This creates a payables batch with the user ID as its name. A payable voucher is created for each marked item.
  5. Post the batch in Payables Management. See the Microsoft Dynamics GP Payables Management Manual for more information.
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