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Entering Job Invoices

You can enter job invoices to bill customers in the Job Invoice Entry window. You must purchase the Microsoft Dynamics GP Receivables Management module to use the invoicing feature.


  • You must enter job invoices through Job Cost to update billed information for jobs. Do not enter job invoices through the Receivables Transaction Entry window.
  • You can save only one unposted document to a Cost Plus transaction level job.


While the system will not prevent you from doing so, you must never void a Costplus invoice with transaction level billing AFTER an invoice for the job was posted.

In the Job Invoice Entry window, you can:

  • Enter credit memos.
  • Enter a Bill To customer that is different from the Job customer.  When you update the Bill To customer, the Bill To address that is designated in Customer Maintenance defaults to the Bill To address field. You can change this address if needed.
  • Enter job invoices using the optional Signature Multicurrency Management feature. You can designate an originating currency for standard job invoices and credit memos through the Job Invoice Entry window. Amounts display in the functional currency and print in the originating currency. The functional currency is the primary currency in which a company maintains its financial records. Typically, the functional currency is the currency of the country where the company is located. The originating currency is the currency that a multicurrency transaction was conducted in. To use Signature Multicurrency Management, you must have purchased Microsoft Dynamics GP Multicurrency Management. Refer to the Microsoft Dynamics GP Multicurrency Management Manual for setup procedures. Multicurrency is not functional with the Job Cost Project Level feature.
  • Assign a sales GL account to each bill code when creating job invoices. In addition, you can include fully billed bill codes on an invoice. You can assign accounts at the job level and override them at job invoice entry. For information on setting this up, see Assigning Sales GL Accounts to Bill Codes for Job Invoices.

Entering a Job Invoice

  1. Select Transactions > Job Cost > Job Invoice Entry.
  2. Complete the following fields, as necessary.
    • Document Type
      Select a document type from the drop-down.
    • Document Number
      Tab to this field to display the default number.
    • Job Number, Job Name
      Enter a Job Number. The Job Name defaults from the Job Number.
    • Bill To Customer, Bill To Customer Name
      These fields default from the selected job. You can accept the default or you can select a different customer. If you select a different customer, the Bill To address that prints on the invoice is the Bill To address set up in Customer Maintenance.

    • Job Customer ID, Job Customer Name
      These fields default from the job number selection. The job name, customer ID, customer name, tax schedule ID, and retention percent default from this selection.
    • Date
      The date will determine the exchange rate in multicurrency transactions. This date is editable if the Posting Date From is set to Transaction in Microsoft Dynamics GP Posting Date Setup.

    • Batch ID
      Enter a single-use Batch ID. You cannot use a recurring batch.
    • Tax Schedule ID, Retention Percent
      These fields default from the job number selection. The Tax Schedule ID is dependent on the Job Customer. If you update the Bill To customer the Tax Schedule ID does not change.

    • PO Number
      This number is printed as the customer order number on the invoice.
    • Currency ID
      Enter the Currency ID, which comes from the Bill To Customer ID.
      • If you are using the Signature Multicurrency Management feature, you can change the currency ID. Amounts will print in the originating currency and display in the functional currency.
      • If you are not using Multicurrency Management, the Currency ID field will be disabled.
      • Multicurrency Management is used with Standard billing type jobs and cannot be used with customers with balance forward accounts.
    • Salesperson ID
      This read-only field is auto-populated from the Job Maintenance window.
      Note: If you update the Bill To Customer in this window, the Salesperson is not affected. To change the Salesperson, you will need to update the job in the Job Maintenance window.
    • Scrolling window
      Enter the invoice text in the scrolling window.
    • Billing Amount
      This field is determined by the job's billing type.
    • Retention Withheld, Retention Due, Subtotal
      The Retention Withheld for this invoice calculates automatically based on the retention percentage specified for this job in the Job Maintenance window. You can change this amount. When retention-withheld amounts post with an invoice, the retention receivable accounts and progress billings accounts specified in the Invoice Accounts Setup window will debit and credit, respectively. To invoice previously withheld retention, see Generating Invoices for Retention. The Subtotal field is calculated automatically and is equal to the billing amount minus the retention amount withheld.
    • Calculate Sales Tax on Billing Amount
      If you are using Retentions, you can mark this checkbox to calculate the sales tax on the Billing Amount. If unmarked, the sales tax is based on the subtotal amount (Billing Amount - Retention Amount). This checkbox is set up for the job in the Job Maintenance window (see Creating a Job Record for more information), however you can override that for this invoice. Taxes are recalculated when the checkbox is marked/unmarked.
    • Miscellaneous
      Enter Miscellaneous amounts that should be billed to the customer, but are not part of the original contract. For example, you can bill the customer for freight charges that are not part of the original job contract. Amounts entered here are not added to the gross or net billed amount for the job. When miscellaneous amounts post, miscellaneous posting accounts entered in the Posting Accounts Setup window for the Sales series are updated. If you plan to post miscellaneous invoice amounts, make sure all posting accounts for the Sales series are set up or you may not be able to post Job Cost invoice batches.
    • Tax
      Enter taxes, which calculate automatically based on the tax schedule assigned to the job and customer ID. Tax amounts are not added to the gross or net billed amount for the job.
    • Total
      The Total is calculated automatically and contains the subtotal amount plus the miscellaneous and tax amounts.
  3. Select Schedule to enter billing amount information. The window that opens depends on the job billing type.
  4. Select Print and select the type of invoice to print. Certain invoices have billing type requirements. A description of each type of Dexterity invoice follows. If you are using SRS reports, refer to Job Cost Reports in SSRS Reports for more information about the SQL Job Invoice.
    • Text and graphic invoices
      The text invoice lists bill to customer information, job customer information, invoice number, customer order number, customer number, net terms, billing amount, retention and tax amounts, and total due. The graphic invoice lists the same information in a graphical format. Text invoice 2 and graphics invoice 2 can be customized. The invoices print in originating currency.
    • Cost elements invoice
      The cost elements invoice is the same as the text invoice, except the billing amounts are itemized by cost element.
    • Detail billing invoice
      The detail billing invoice requires a Cost Code billing type job. It is the same as the text invoice, except the billing amounts are itemized by bill code.
    • Tax detail invoice
      The tax detail invoice is the same as the text invoice, except the taxable amounts are itemized at a tax detail code level. The invoice prints in originating currency.
    • A.I.A Doc G702
      This menu item prints page 1 (AIA G702) and page 2 (AIA G703) of the AIA Application and Certificate for Payment document. For information on setting up this invoice, see Setting up and using document management.
    • Application for payment invoice
      The Application for Payment invoice is the AIA G703 document. The invoice shows the job and application date and lists the item number, description, schedule value, percent paid, balance due, and retainage for each item. It also lists the amounts for previous applications for payment, material completed this period, stored materials, and materials completed and stored for each item. If you use AIA billing, the application number must be assigned before printing to a batch. Select the Application for Payment printing option.

    • Transaction-level invoice
      The transaction-level billing invoice requires a Transaction-Level billing type job. It is the same as the text invoice, except that billing amounts are itemized by transaction and labor is summarized by cost code. Unit charges are calculated from the posted transaction and are included in the invoice.
    • Transaction-level labor invoice
      The transaction-level labor invoice requires a Transaction-Level billing type job. It is the same as the transaction-level invoice, except that billing amounts are itemized by transaction, including labor detail.
  5. Batch post the invoice by choosing Transactions > Sales > Series Post.
  • All Job Cost invoices must be batch posted. They should never be edited or posted from the Receivables Transaction Entry window.
  • Choosing the Commissions button opens the Commissions Entry window. This window contains default sales commissions from Microsoft Dynamics GP and cannot be changed in Job Cost. The salesperson comes from the Bill To customer.

Printing Batch Invoices

You can print invoices for batches using the Signature Print button in the Receivables Batch Entry window.

  1. Select Transactions > Sales > Receivables Batches.
  2. Complete the Receivables Batch Entry window. See the Microsoft Dynamics GP Receivables Management Manual for information on completing this window.
  3. Select Signature Print > JC Invoice Reports and select the type of invoice to print.

See also:

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