Choosing Setup Options
Before using TimeTrack, you must select setup options for entering and processing TimeTrack data. After you select setup options, you can select File > Print to print the TimeTrack Setup List. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > TimeTrack > Setup Options.
Third Party
In the Third Party section, you can select options for integrating with third-party payroll systems.
Salary transactions are not included in the export.
- Integrate to Canadian Payroll
Mark this checkbox to allow your TimeTrack data to integrate with Microsoft Dynamics GP Canadian Payroll module by writing directly to Canadian Payroll tables, provided the program is installed. - Integrate to Fixed Asset Management
Mark this checkbox to integrate with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fixed Asset Management module, provided both Fixed Asset Management and Job Cost are installed. If the Fixed Asset Management module is not installed, this checkbox will be disabled. A fixed asset is a piece of equipment or material to which charges are made on a job, per the time used. After you save the Setup Options window, you must then set up your fixed asset options. See Setting Up Shift Codes for Shift Premiums for details. - Integrate to Equipment Management Workorders
Marking this checkbox adds WO-EQS to the TRX Type lookup window in the Time Card Entry window. This allows TimeTrack to integrate with Equipment Management by creating workorder labor transactions, provided Equipment Management is installed. If Equipment Management is not installed, this checkbox will be disabled. Marking this checkbox enables the Create U.S. Payroll Transactions for Workorders checkbox. - Create a Text File for Export
Marking this checkbox allows you to create comma-delimited text files for export to ADP Payroll or Microsoft Dynamics GP Canadian Payroll. If you are integrating with Microsoft Dynamics GP Canadian Payroll, we suggest you use this feature as a backup in case problems occur during the TimeTrack commit process. When this checkbox is marked, the File Format drop-down list is enabled. Select a file format from the drop-down list. See Exporting TimeTrack Data to a Third-Party Payroll Module for more information. Do Not Include Historical Transactions
Marking this checkbox will exclude the historical non-salary transactions tied to the Week-Ending Date from the export.For example:
You have transactions that have been committed with a week ending date of 07/10. The export file was created but there was a problem with the file and some transactions were missed. You create a new batch ID and add transactions (week ending date 07/10).With this option MARKED
When you go through the Commit process, the Export Wizard ONLY reviews ONE WS10702 table. These non-salary transactions will be included in the export file.- With this option NOT MARKED
When you go through the Commit process, the Export Wizard reviews the WS10702 and WS30702 tables. Based on the week-ending date you have entered in the Export Wizard, the system will find all the transactions within WS10702 and WS30702. These transactions will be included in the export file.
Default From Previous Transaction
In the Default from Previous Transaction section, select items to default from previous transactions.
You can automatically have information from the previous transaction entered in new transactions by marking any of the following checkboxes:
- Job Number/Service Call ID/WO Number
- Day of Week
- SMS Cost Code
- JC Cost Code
- Asset ID
- GL Account checkboxes.
Week-Ending Date Defaults
In the Week-Ending Date Defaults section, select week-ending dates.
- Default Week-Ending Day
Enter the day you want as the default week-ending day. Week-ending dates displayed in the Time Card Entry window will end on that day of the week. If you select a default day, you must enter a week-ending date corresponding to that day of the week. If you do not select a default, the Week Ending field will be blank in the Time Card Entry window. You may then put in any date that falls within an open fiscal year. The next transaction will default to the date you enter. - Default Date From
Select to display the default week-ending date from the previous week, the current week, or the batch. This option is enabled after a default week-ending day is entered. For example, if Previous Week is selected and if today is the default end of the week, it will appear in the Week Ending field in the Time Card Entry window. If today is not the end of the week, the previous week-ending date will display. You can then browse in one-week increments. If you select Batch, each Time Card Entry transaction assigned to a batch is assigned the same week-ending date as the batch. You cannot change the date on the transaction.
Create a GL Journal Entry
- Unbilled Transactions
Mark this checkbox to create general ledger entries for unbilled transactions. After the Setup Options window is saved, you must then set up your unbilled asset account by selecting credit GL accounts by department. See Setting Up Unbilled Offset Accounts for details. If the Integrate to Fixed Asset Management checkbox is also not marked, the GL Account field in the Time Card Entry window will be hidden.
GL accounts for service calls are set up in Service Management by selecting Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management >Invoice Setup > Accounts and choosing the Costing (Manual) button. See the Setting up invoice accounts section in the Service Management User Manual.
Miscellaneous Items
- Create Expense/Travel Transactions
Mark this checkbox if you want to enter expense and travel transactions in the Time Card Entry window. You can select to reimburse expenses through Payroll or through Accounts Payable.- If reimbursing expenses through Payroll, the transaction will be part of the payroll batch created when the transactions are committed in TimeTrack.
If reimbursing expenses through Accounts Payable, the transaction will be part of an AP batch. In addition, you must also set up a vendor ID for the employee, and assign that vendor ID to the employee in Employee Maintenance Codes. The vendor IDs can be created in the Vendor Maintenance window or in Employee Maintenance Codes window. For more information, see Vendor IDs.
- Create U.S. Payroll Transactions for Workorders
Mark this checkbox if you are using Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll and want to automatically create U.S. Payroll transactions for workorders upon committing. This option is enabled if the Integrate to Equipment Management Workorders checkbox is marked. - Calculate Overhead for Unbilled Transactions
Mark this checkbox if you want the costs for unbilled transactions entered in TimeTrack to include overhead in the total cost amount. This option is enabled if the Create a Journal Entry for Unbilled Transactions checkbox is marked. Unbilled labor transactions entered in TimeTrack use the overhead group code from Job Cost to calculate overhead amounts. See Setting up overhead detail codes and Setting up overhead group codes in the Job Cost User Manual. If the Integrate to Canadian Payroll checkbox is marked, only the dollar amount for overhead is sent to the general ledger. When the option is not marked, the overhead amount and wage amount are sent to the general ledger account. - Total Cost Display Excludes Overhead
Mark this checkbox to exclude overhead from the total cost in the Time Card Entry window and on the edit list reports. - Total Cost Display is Hidden
Mark this checkbox to display zero in the Total Cost field in the Time Card Entry window. Marking this checkbox also hides the Cost column in the list view section of the Time Card Entry window. - Subsequent Transactions Begin at Employee ID Field
Mark this checkbox to automatically begin on an Employee ID field for transaction windows. This allows for the convenient selection of a new employee. This works only for entering multiple transactions in the same session, without closing the Time Card Entry window. - Do Not Refresh List View Window after Save
When using the Premier version of TimeTrack or in situations where there is a large amount of data being entered, refreshing the list view section after a save may be time-consuming. Mark this checkbox to eliminate the automatic refresh in the Time Card Entry window, although the hours will still update. You can also manually refresh the window by choosing the Redisplay button. - Do Not Save List View Column Settings
Mark this checkbox to use the default system settings every time the Time Card Entry window is opened. If you do not mark this checkbox, any changes to the window properties (column order, column size, and sort order) will be saved when you exit the window. - Maintain History
Mark this checkbox if you want to maintain a history of committed TimeTrack transactions. See Using TimeTrack History for more information. Use Average Salary Labor Rate
Mark this checkbox if you want to enter salary labor transactions.- Require Batch Approval
Mark this checkbox if you want to require approval for a TimeTrack batch to be committed. If you mark the checkbox, enter a password for approving batches in the Password field. This password will always display when the Setup Options window is opened. If you do not want all users to see the password, you could restrict access to the Setup Options window using Microsoft Dynamics GP window-level security. - Default Transaction Type
Use the lookup to select the default transaction type for the Time Card Entry window. If you do not select a default, the Job Cost type will default the first time the window is opened. Each subsequent transaction defaults to the transaction type of the previous transaction. The WO-EQS transaction type is used for Equipment Management workorder transactions. - Require Manager Approval
This option enables the manager approval feature, which requires that time cards be approved before they can be committed. Refer to Manager Approval of Time Card Transactions for more information about setting up and using this feature. - The E-mail Notification checkboxes are enabled when the manager approval feature is turned on.
Vendor IDs
Creating the Vendor IDs in the Vendor Maintenance Window
- Set up the employees as vendors in the Vendor Maintenance window (Cards > Purchasing > Vendor). For example, for the employee ALAN FLINT, you could have a vendor record called ALANFLINT.
- Assign the vendor for that employee in the Employee Maintenance Codes window (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost > Payroll Setup > Employee Codes).
Creating the Vendor IDs in the Employee Maintenance Codes Window
- Open the Employee Maintenance Codes window (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost > Payroll Setup > Employee Codes) and select an employee.
- Enter a new Vendor ID for this employee and tab off the field or select Save.
- When you are prompted to add this vendor record, select Add.
Enter the name of the Employee and any other relevant information in Vendor Maintenance. Save and close. Remember that whatever appears in the Check Name field is how the name will appear on the checks.
- Save the Employee Maintenance Codes window.