Reopening a Closed Service Call
If you've closed a service call manually, you may discover you have unbilled costs that you need to bill. To do this, you can re-open the closed call and have an option to move the costs from history so that you can now invoice the service call. When reopening a service call, a reversing journal entry is created and a reversing batch is created. The batch naming convention is the first 5 characters of the user name + MNLREOPEN. (For example, LESSOMNLREOPEN.)
- Reopening a close service call is for Service Invoicing only. You cannot reopen a service if you are using SOP Invoicing.
- Only the latest cost transactions can be called back on a manually closed service call. If a service call was manually closed, then invoiced without pulling back unbilled costs, new costs are added, and the call was manually closed again, only the cost transactions that were last manually closed can be pulled back.
- Only the most recent unbilled invoice is pulled back, regardless if a valid invoice has since been posted. The unposted invoice history record is removed and a new invoice is created in the Open Invoice table.
- When using an extended pricing matrix:
- Unbilled fixed costs that were manually closed and not billed are recalculated when the costs are pulled back into the Transaction Work table from the Cost History table.
- Any other overhead costs that are calculated based on other types of costs will also be calculated and added to the Transaction Work table.
- For fixed costs (for example Trip Charge, after reopening the service call, you will need to open the Invoice window so that the rate is added back to the open call invoice.
- Verify the Divisional accounts are correct for the reopened service call.
- Billing amounts are recalculated and based on the rate on the actual day you reopen the service call. These amounts may be different than when you closed the service call. This includes changes made to extended pricing, labor rate groups, SOP inventory, unit prices, and/or travel rates after closing the service call.
- After entering a markup percent for the subcontractor Added Cost window and haven't billed these costs, when the call is reopened, the billing amount is recalculated using the pricing matrix, not the markup percent entered in the Added Cost window.
- If you modify a billing amount (override) and the call is reopened, the pricing matrix is used to calculate the billing amount.
- When reopening a service call that has an SOP transaction, the system will first look at the customer record, then the RM setup, and then the inventory item for a price level. If the price level has not been set up and was manually selected on the SOP Order/Invoice line, the billing cannot be computed and will be $0.
- A service call can be reopened if the Customer is inactive, however, you will not be able to invoice the service call.
- A service call can be reopened if the location is inactive, however, the service call will not pull back any un-invoiced costs.
To reopen a closed call:
- Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
- Select the customer.
- In the call history scrolling window, double-click the closed service call. See Viewing Existing Service Calls for additional information on finding the closed service call.
- In the Service Call window, change the Call Status to Open.
- Select Save.
A message displays "Prior unbilled costs exist. Do you want to bill these costs?" Reopening an MCC or MC service call will not display this message because the costs were applied to the maintenance contract.
- Yes - Creates a reversing entry for the unbilled costs that were on the service call.
- The cost transactions are moved back to the Transaction Work table.
- A WIP transaction is created to move costs from COBS back to WIP.
- A reversing manual reopen GL Batch with WIP debited and COGs credited.
- The transaction date is set to today's date.
- Reference is the service call ID.
- Source Document is GJ.
- No - A reversing entry is not created for the unbilled costs. The cost transactions on the closed call are not moved back. You can add new costs to the service call.
- Yes - Creates a reversing entry for the unbilled costs that were on the service call.
- Post the batch.