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Report Settings

After you save the Report Settings, select the Send Test Email button to test your SMTP server settings. If successful, a "Test Email sent to Admin Email Address" message displays. If unsuccessful, an error message displays the system error(s).

The email layout is as follows:

  • From: if UseSMTPAuthentication then from SMTP username, otherwise AdminEmailAddress
  • To: AdminEmailAddress
  • Subject: MobileTech Admin Test Email
  • Body: You have requested to send this test email from MobileTech Admin.

Determines how to handle automated emails of reports and other documents, such as invoices. Reports are always sent to the email account that is specified for a technician when the technician is added to MobileTech (MobileTech Administration > Users)

Each technician's email address is also their logon account, and that is the email address that is used to send reports to the technician.

    • Do not send report emails - The report is sent only to the specified email account for the technician. The technician can then decide whether to forward the report to others, and to whom. This is the default value and should be used if reports should never be sent directly to a customer or another third-party contact.
    • Signature Contact Management - Email the technician, and to the contact or contact list that is set up in Contact Management and that is associated with the location of the service call.
    • GP Internet Addresses - Email the technician who is set up in the Internet Information window in Microsoft Dynamics GP (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Company > Internet Information) and who is associated with the location of the service call. Only one contact is allowed for this value.
    • Selected or entered by technician - The technician can select one or more email addresses to send reports or other documents, such as invoices, to appropriate personnel in the organization. The technician can also enter email addresses for new contacts and customers to send documents to them. This value applies only to external reports and documents, such as field invoices and the Call Summary report.

The Select or entered by technician option allows technicians the ability to add a contact on-the-fly.

ReportEmailSMTPServerThe name of the machine where the email server resides.
ReportEmailSMTPServerPortThe port that is used by the email server. The default port number is 25, but you can change it for your system.
ReportEmailSMTPEnableSSLDetermines whether SSL is used by the email server. The default value is False.

The URL for the Report Execution web service. This URL is used by the system to communicate with the SSRS report server to generate the Call Summary report. 

To locate the URL, open Reporting Services Configuration Manager, and then open the Web Service URL section. Use the value from the URLs field, followed by /ReportExecution2005.asmx. Example: http://\{servername}/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx

UseSMTPAuthenticationDetermines whether a username and password are required for sending an email. The default value is True.
SMTPUsernameThe username that is used to send report email notifications. This is available – and required – if UseSMTPAuthentication = True.

The password is used to send report email notifications. This is available – and required – if UseSMTPAuthentication = True.

If you are using Gmail with two-factor authentication and ReportEmailSMTPServer is set to, you will need to create a Google App Password. See How to create app passwords in Google’s Knowledge Center. (external link)


The number of times that the client attempts to retrieve the preview of a field invoice after it is requested. The default number of attempts is 30. This setting applies to field invoicing and is available only if Field Invoicing and Field Payments is registered, and UseFieldInvoicing = True in the Field Invoicing and Field Payments Settings area.

ReportPreviewRetryIntervalThe number of seconds between when the client tries to retrieve the preview of a field invoice until the maximum number of attempts has been met or the preview invoice is generated. The default number of seconds is 30. This setting applies to field invoicing and is available only if Field Invoicing and Field Payments is registered, and UseFieldInvoicing = True in the Field Invoicing and Field Payments Settings area.

Determines if the Call or Service Appointment Summary Reports are generated when a service appointment is completed. The default value is True.

If set to False:

  • The Call Summary Report or the Service Appointment Summary Report is not generated when a service appointment is completed.
  • The list of emails to select to receive the report will not display.
  • The Technician and Customer signature buttons will not show on the Summary tab.

Determines if the Job Summary Report is generated when a job appointment is completed. The default value is True.

If set to False:

  • The Job Appointment Summary Report is not generated when a job appointment is completed.
  • The list of emails to select to receive the report will not display.
  • The Technician and Customer signature buttons will not show on the Summary tab.
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