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Accent Color

Color used to identify your company within reports within the program. This color can either be selected using a color selection tool, or hex by using a hex format (#000000). Using an accent color you can brand your program reports to match your business colors. See Working with Companies.


Menu used to trigger procedures. For usage within a dashboard, click the Actions menu and then select the procedure you would like to run (e.g. create client, export data). See BOB Dashboards for more information.

Active Faults

A device that is in fault for the specified time frame. Active Fault numbers are displayed dynamically within the Rule Builder based on time-series data. See Rules for more information.


Within Admin, you can manage companies, user roles, user accounts, scoring, billing information, and advanced communications. See Admin for more information.


A piece of hardware or software used to connect from your location to the WennSoft cloud. The agent is used to read and write data to the cloud and respond and react to events from your systems.

Agent Serial Number

The agent serial number is printed on BAS hardware agents. For software agents, the serial number is displayed on the BAS Agent setup page within the software.


Grouping method used within rule processing to help you look back through time-series data after a rule has been evaluated. See Additional Rule Processing.


You can subscribe to alert notifications to receive an SMS and/or email when a rule fault occurs for the entity and its children. Alerts help you understand where opportunities may lie to improve performance or create a service request to investigate. See Subscribing to Alert Notifications for more information.


BACnet device communication utilizes analog input values for network communication. See Managing BACnet Objects.

API Docs

Provides 3rd party developers (and customers) access to a set of REST APIs for interfacing with WennSoft applications. For more information and instructions for use, see API Docs.


The generic term for applications within the program (e.g. services, reporting, rules).

Application Permission

Determines user access to applications within the program (e.g. services, reporting, rules). See Working with Roles.


Button used to assign criteria within the program (e.g. apply agent, apply calculated sensor, apply profile).


Application focused on mapping device objects from BAS Agents (configured in the IoT Hub) to a data model used throughout the BOB program. The data model used in BOB includes clients, campuses, sites, systems, areas, etc. For more information, see Architect.


A grouping of equipment used to identify a sub-section of a site. By using areas, you can identify important grouping sections of a site. A default area is when a site is created to represent the entire site, and cannot be modified. Equipment within an area can be used in one or more areas as needed. See Working with Areas

Area Unit of Measure

A quantity used as a standard of measurement. When used for area, the measure defines how area is calculated within the program. See Working with Areas.


These fixed reference lines are located within graphs in the program to identify the x-axis and y-axis to identify trends and plot program data. See Configure the Sensor Graph.


Background Job

A process that runs behind the scenes without user intervention. Typical tasks for these processes may include logging, system monitoring, scheduling, exporting data, and user notifications. See Managing Background Jobs.


A communication protocol for Building Automation and Control (BAC) networks that leverage industry standard protocols. See Managing BACnet Objects.


A building management system (BMS), otherwise known as a building automation system (BAS), is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that controls and monitors the building's mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems. This system is composed of both hardware and software.

BAS Agent

An agent specific to a building automation system (BAS) that contains drivers used to communicate with BAS system. See Working with BAS Agents.


A Building Control Unit (BCU) houses devices and objects that are used for program communication.


A term used to represent elements used to create formula criteria within the Formula Editor. These blocks include formula elements such as sensors, logic operators, math operators, etc. See Working with Formula Editor Blocks.


A data type used in computing that is algebraic in nature that looks for the status of an object (e.g. on/off, yes/no, true/false). This data type is used by BACnet objects within a BAS network. See Sensors Overview.

Building Type

Used to identify what a building is used for within a site (e.g. laboratory, data center, hospital, hotel, etc.). See Working with Sites in Architect.



A grouping of sites used for reporting and analysis within the program.

Change Count

The number of times a rule transitioned from a faulted state to an okay state and vice versa over the duration of time specified. See Additional Rule Processing.


A data hierarchy is used throughout the program to group data. In this tree-like data organization structure child records are nested under a parent record. This structure allows reports to be generated based on the parent record that could include all associated child records currently nested under that parent record. For example, you can run a report for your entire building (parent) which includes reception, laboratory, and manufacturing (all children).


A customer of a company that can only be associated with one company.

The following is an example of data hierarchy in the program starting with the largest grouping to the smallest.

  • (Company>Client>Site>Equipment)


A company is a grouping that houses all data for a specific company and can have more than one client.

The following is an example of data hierarchy in the program starting with the largest grouping to the smallest.

  • (Company>Client>Site>Equipment)

Conditional Formatting

Method used to highlight cells or ranges of cells to help you visually detect critical issues and identify patterns or trends. When the criteria is met, the cell range is formatted. See Conditional Formatting.


An individual who works with the client is referred to as a client contact. This individual may also be used for contacting, if needed. See Adding a Client Contact to a Service Request.

Current Period Faults

The number of times an object falls in and out of fault within the specified time period used to track key performance indicators (KPI). For example, if a fault has gone in and out of fault three times within that time period, this counts as 3. If the fault has stayed in fault during the time period, then this would count as 1. See Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Custom Rule

A rule within the program defines a set of facts, rules, and constraints that are used to gauge performance scoring criteria and event notification of devices in real-time, providing a quick analysis on how equipment is operating and performing while sending alerts when critical events and alarms occur. When using an existing rule you can make changes to the rule to meet your business needs. When the rule is changed it is no longer a system (pre-defined) rule, but is now classified as a custom (user-defined) rule. For more information, see Rules.



Used within the program as an interface to provide at-a-glance views of key performance indicators and data analysis, and may sometimes include graphical items for visual display. See Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) .

Date/Time Picker

Used to limit data displayed by defining a date range and time. When using the date/time picker you can select to either use the current date and time, previous 24 hours, or a custom data and time of your choosing. See Using the Date/Time Picker.



A logical grouping of data that is collected as a result of a query. This data may contain timing, temperatures, fault information, scoring, etc.


To make inactive. For example, a technician will not display in the active list for a service call if they are deactivated and not available. See Deactivating a Technician.


The process used to identify and remove errors when using rules. See Debug a Rule.


Used with service requests to deny a request.

Default Company

Once specified, the default company is the company you automatically are routed to after signing in to the program. The default company is set within your user profile for quick access to the correct data view. Different users can have different default companies to see the data that is impactful to them.


Action to remove existing information within the program. Typically, items such as permissions can only be deleted if they have not been assigned or are no longer in use (e.g. delete a role). See Deleting a Role.


A control system in a Building Automation System (BAS) used to draw a conclusion on what action has to be taken (e.g. start the blower).

Device Object 

A sensor, actuator, or virtual value (data point) within a device controller used to compare the actual state (e.g. temperature) with a target state.

Driver Configuration

Software that is loaded onto an Agent to provide it with the connectivity requirements needed to communicate with the given on-premise system.



Action to make change to existing information within the program (e.g. edit a role). See Editing a Role Description.


A set of dots is known as an ellipsis (e.g.

). Typically, used as an icon for use with rules, filters, and other items for modification within the program.

Email Alias

An email address created for and used only for email forwarding. For example, an email alias will be used for service calls within the program to forward service requests. Since this email address is not intended for outbound emails, we recommend not using your own personal email address. The email alias should be unique to your company and used only for forwarding the requests. See Email to Service Call Settings.


An application within the program that houses the Energy Utility Dashboard. This dashboard displays billed utility energy data for your sites and which are performing better than others. See Energy Utility Dashboard.


An entity is a tangible thing that can be distinctly identified. For example, company, equipment, sensor, system, etc.



Hardware located at a site that can serve several areas (e.g. air handlers, water systems).

Equipment Sensor

Analog or digital inputs that measure and detect when a device is on or off (e.g. temperature, humidity, pressure).

Error Message

A displayed notification that the program encountered a problem. For example, when using the Rule Debugger, an error may display with a message providing details on why the rule failed. See Debug a Rule.


To transfer data in a format that can be used by other programs (e.g. exporting dashboard data). See Exporting and Downloading Data.



An unsuccessful result of an action or set of actions. Device objects (sensors) are polled on a time interval to monitor the success and failure of their performance incrementally and reported to the program for target and failure counts also referred to as key performance indicators (KPIs). See Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Failure Counts

An unsuccessful result of an action or set of actions is counted per failed occurrence. Device objects (sensors) are polled on a time interval to monitor the success and failure of their performance incrementally and reported to the program for target and failure counts also referred to as KPIs. See Glossary .


A fault is another word for an unsuccessful result in a BAS system. Being able to identify the root cause of the fault is important to be able to fix the problem. Knowing a fault exists you can better identify observable symptoms that may help you fix the problem within your system.

Fault Detector Status

Displayed status that indicates the success or failure using rule logic.

Fault Logic Editor


This editor allows you to select sensors, logic operators, and math operators to configure formulas to gather calculated data. Logic that is created within this editor has access to the rule formula calculated data and all sensors defined in the Rule Sensors table. Using the values for each sensor for a specific timestamp you can calculate rule fault logic. See Working with Rule Sensor Filters.


Action used within the program to remove undesired results, or focus on specific data needed for use. For example, within a dashboard you can use a filter to display only results that are currently in an active status.


A mathematical expression used for calculation within the Formula Editor. See Working with Formula Editor Blocks.

Formula Editor


The Formula Editor allows you to select sensors, logic operators, math operators, etc. to configure a formula that results in an output. The rule formula has access to all sensors defined in the rule sensors table. The values for each sensor for the particular timestamp can be used to calculate a rule formula output.

FSM Integration

Used to connect field service management systems (FSMs) to the program. See Working with FSM Integrations.


General Sensor


Used when your rule spans equipment or system types. For instance, you may have a rule that can target fan coil units as well as VAVs. In this case, you'll want to be able to source sensors independently of the equipment that is targeted.


A framework of spaced lines that run across a display view and form a series of squares or rectangles. Within the program, the Sensor Grid displays equipment and time-series data for that associated equipment in a grid view.


Health Monitor

Display view within the dashboard to view company faults associated with rules that can also be used to create service requests.


In Fault

When an unsuccessful result of an action or set of actions is currently in failure for a device object (sensor).

Inspection Report

Report used to provide building performance and energy efficiencies utilizing program data that is collected from the Building Automation System (BAS). Using this report you can analyze the performance for opportunities for improvement. See Reporting.


The cadence of time that data is pulled from the BAS.


The Internet of Things (IoT) describes physical objects (or groups of objects), that are embedded with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies, that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communication networks.


K2A Rule

A rule library containing a collection of rules provided by WennSoft that includes target filters that can be used as-is or modified, as needed. If a K2A rule is used as-is and the rule is updated by WennSoft, the rule will automatically update with the latest information. If the K2A rule is used and modified, when the rule is updated by WennSoft, the rule will not be modified since it has been customized to meet your business needs.

K2A Account

A WennSoft (K2A) account is required for access to Building Optimization Broker and was first introduced in ESMS.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a set of measurements used to gauge a company's overall long-term performance. They help determine a company's strategic, financial, and operational achievements. Within the program, KPIs are accessible from the equipment, site, and system dashboards.


The image that represents the brand of your company used within the program for deliverables (e.g. reports, emails, etc.). See Glossary.



When working with weather sensor filters measurements such as temperature, pressure, humidity, etc. are used to measure weather station data. See Creating a Weather Sensor Filter.

Mega Navigation

Also known as a mega menu, this expandable menu displays when you hover over a link or a defined area and displays multiple columns of menu choices. For more information, see BOB Dashboards.



Also referred to as Tridium Niagara (oBIX) is a building management system that utilizes an HTML framework to connect embedded devices or systems across a communication network. See Tridium Niagara (oBIX) Configuration.


Occurrence Count

Used within rule processing to keep count of objects in faulted state for a consecutive set number of times. See Additional Rule Processing.


Percent Active

The percentage of rules that have been in a faulted state for a set percentage of time over the duration specified, used within rule processing. See Additional Rule Processing .

Percent Change

A KPI used for scoring. This value represents the score for the currently selected time frame compared to the previous time frame. See Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


Used in reporting to display your report results before printing. See Reporting.

Previous Period Fault Occurrences

A KPI used for scoring. The number of times in and out of fault for the prior time frame than the specified period. See Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) .


Used within the Health Monitor to represent the severity of the rule when in a faulted state (low, medium, high). See Working with Health Monitor.


A template representing where the device objects exist within a given device type. Profiles are used by agents to identify where devices and device objects are located on a network for agent communication.

Profile Object

Provides the profile of a specific location for a device object used for agent communication.




A precise data request for information retrieval from a database.

Quick Navigation

The navigation method accessible at the top of the program is used to move through the dashboard. By selecting the company, client, site, and equipment and then selecting the Go button you can navigate to a specific view in the dashboard of data. See BOB Dashboards.



User role permission is used for viewing, but not changing information within the program.


The process within the program to re-run a rule for a period of past data. This is helpful if you have made changes or updates to formulas or fault logic. See Recalculate a Rule .


The program provides a course of action "recommendation", when a rule is in a fault state but should be on target.


A set of user permissions assigned to a user in the program (e.g. administrator).


A rule within the program defines a set of facts, rules, and constraints that are used to gauge performance scoring criteria and event notification of devices in real time, providing a quick analysis of how equipment is operating and performing while sending alerts when critical events and alarms occur.

Rule Builder

This application is focused on leveraging sensors and other entities created in Architect to monitor equipment and system health using data being collected from the BAS system. The Rule Builder additionally utilizes rules to define constraints used to gauge system performance for scoring. See Rules.

Rule Library

A collection of rules provided by WennSoft, including target filters, that can be instantiated and used as-is or in a modified fashion. If a K2A Rule is used as-is, when the rule is updated by WennSoft, the rule will automatically update with the latest information. If a K2A rule is used in a modified fashion, when the rule is updated by WennSoft, the rule will not be modified so as not to overwrite the customizations made by the user.

Rule Sensor Filter


A collection of defined filters that are made available to the rule formula and fault detector logic for calculating their respective outputs.

Rule Target

A piece of equipment or system. Rule targets are defined by a target filter in a rule. Rules can only target systems OR equipment, not both.


Score Graph

Graphical (default) display of a line graph for the selected sensors to display sensor scoring. See Sensors Overview.

Score Grid

Graphical grid view that displays sensor and scoring in 15-minute intervals. By default, this view displays the site score. See Sensors Overview.

Score Value

Rule scoring is used within the program to view the overall score for a piece of equipment or system as well as per rule score for the equipment. Score values are used to proportionally decrease or adjust the score based on its priority using the minimum and maximum score values determined. See Creating a Custom Rule.


Provides a simple way to visualize and communicate which equipment and systems are performing better or worse than others based on a score value. Rules are used as the basis of the scoring and can be weighted accordingly based on user setup. By default, each equipment or system starts with a score of 100%. As rules are evaluated, that score is decreased based on the priority of the faults that occur on a piece of equipment or system. For more information, see Scoring.

Sensor Aggregate

Combined sensor time-series data that can be evaluated at a sensor level to find things like count, average, delta, minimum, and maximums. For more information, see Sensor Aggregate.

Sensor Graph

A visual display view displaying a line graph of the selected sensors over time. See Configure the Sensor Graph.

Sensor Grid

Display view in a row format displaying sensor scores in time intervals.


A sensor is an entity representing a value that changes over time and always has a parent entity such as a piece of equipment or a system. A sensor points back to a single device object. You can access the Sensor Dashboard by selecting a piece of equipment or a system. See Sensors Overview.

The following are examples of sensor types within the program:

  • General sensors

  • Equipment sensors

  • System sensors

  • Weather sensors

  • Rule sensors

Service Request

A request for client service to address a particular issue. For more information, see Service Requests.


A building with a physical mailing address that contains a group of equipment.

The following is an example of data hierarchy in the program starting with the largest grouping to the smallest.

  • (Company>Client>Site>Equipment)

Site Score

Using the Inspection Report the site score is displayed for establishing site metrics used to gauge site performance.

Skill Level

The ability to classify a level of expertise for a given task. Used within the program with service requests.

Skill Type

The ability to classify a type of expertise for a given task. Used within the program with service requests.


Used within appointments to identify the purpose of the appointment. See Creating an Appointment.


Used to opt in to receive communication for program alerts that can be received by email or text message. See Subscribing to Alert Notifications.


Used with service requests and appointments to identify the state of the call or appointment. For more information, see Service Statuses.


A collection of equipment that works together to serve a specific purpose. The system dashboard displays sensors, faults, scores, rules, and equipment information for the selected system. See System Dashboard.

System Effect

Used within the Health Monitor to describe what effect the rule has on the target entity when it is in the Fault state. See Working with Health Monitor.

System Sensor

A system sensor is created for a system, not a piece of equipment (e.g. CHW Different Pressure Sensor).


Target Count

Numeric value that represents a goal (target) that's used to represent the target count needed for optimal performance and efficiency within the Inspection Report. See Reporting.

Target Range

The time frame of month and year that is used for goal (target) calculations to gauge optimal performance and efficiency within the Inspection Report. See Reporting .


A person who performs work on a client's site. See Working with Technicians.

Time-series Data

Data collected from a BAS system (listed or graphed) in time order over some time.

Time Zone

Used to determine how data is displayed and appointments are scheduled based on the time zone selected. Time zones allow you to set different time zones for different companies, if needed so the data is relevant to their location. See Working with Sites in Architect.

Trend Interval

The setting is used to determine how often in minutes new data is collected. See Setting the Trend Interval.



Used to identify measurements (units) for certain processes and applications. See Working with Unit Conversions.

Unscheduled Appointments

Appointments that have not been scheduled. See Creating an Appointment.


Used to opt out of receiving communication for program alerts that can be received by email or text message. See Subscribing to Alert Notifications.


An individual who has a WennSoft account and has access to the Building Optimization Broker platform. Users can be invited into any number of companies with a single role in each company. See Working with Users.

User Details

Located within the User Profile to store detailed user information such as email address, phone number, address, time, and date information. See Working with Users.



Automatically created when you create a site based on the postal code for the site. If changes to the site address are made, the weather entity updates automatically to the new postal code. See Working with Sites in Architect.


When using custom rules you can enter custom weight values that determine how much each rule decrements the parent entity's score. See Creating a Custom Rule.

Workbook Mode

An interactive display mode that is used to filter and display data based on criteria you determine. Workbook Mode is a temporary filter view you can use to display different grid information and navigate to specific equipment, system, and company information until the mode is cleared. See Filtering Data.

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