Configure the Sensor Graph
Use the Sensor Configuration window to select 1 or more sensors to add to the Y-axis to the left of the graph and up to 5 Y-axes to the right of the graph. A sensor can only be plotted to 1 Y-axis, although you can plot more than one sensor to a single Y-axis. Using this feature you can add external sensors to compare one piece of equipment to another. Boolean sensors are plotted in a separate chart below the line chart.
To configure the Sensor Graph:
On the Sensor view, select the View drop-down and then select View - Configuration or select the Sensor drop-down and then select Configure.
To add a sensor select "+" to the left of the sensor name from the Sensors list.
The sensor is added to the Selected Sensors and Plotting section. You can remove a sensor from this section by selecting "-" to the left of the sensor name in the sensor list on the left side of the window, selecting "x" to the left of the sensor in the Plotting section, or batch remove all of the sensors assigned to an axis by selecting the "x" to the right of the axis name.
Select the appropriate Y-axis radio button.
(Optional) Edit the Axis name, as needed. This name displays in the pop-up window as you hover over the line in the graph.
Select Apply if this is a one-time configuration that you do not want to save for future viewing or select Save to save this view as your default. You are returned to the Sensor Graph to view the sensors that you've plotted.
Grouping by Header
You can drag a column header to the "Drag a column header and drop it here" area below the Selected Sensors and Plotting title to group by that heading. For example, to group the selected sensors by unit, drag the Unit column header up to "Drag a column header and drop it here".
Sorting Data within the Configured Graph
When sorting data within the Configured Sensor graph, the data is sorted within each sensor grouping.
The number of Y-axes displayed on the graph correlates to the plotted Y-axes from the Configuration window. The examples below have all 6 Y-axes displayed.
Sensor Configuration

Sensor Graph with all Y-Axes displayed