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Sensors Overview

The Sensors view is accessed from either the Equipment or Systems Dashboard. The Sensors view initially displays the graph view without any sensors selected. Select the Sensor drop-down that displays to the left of the Start Time and select one or more sensors. You can also use the search field in the Sensor selection drop-down to find a specific sensor. On the graph, you can zoom in and out by using your mouse wheel. You can also shift + click and drag to select a smaller time frame to focus on. You can use Conditional Formatting to format data cells based on selected criteria. See Filtering Data.

A sensor is an entity representing a value that changes over time and always has a parent entity such as a piece of equipment or a system. A sensor points back to a single device object. You can access the Sensor Dashboard by selecting a piece of equipment or a system. 

Sensors can be created, edited, and deleted from the Equipment Dashboard and/or the System Dashboard.

Viewing Historical Sensor Data

Use the Sensors view displays the historical data for a specific equipment or system score, including the sensor values and score information over time in a single table.

Information displayed:

  • Date Time Stamp

  • Individual Rule Scores

  • Supporting Time-Series information

To view the historical sensor data:

  1. Access the Dashboard.

  2. Select View - Site, and then Equipment or System.

  3. On the dashboard, select the equipment or system's actual score percentage on the table to open the Faults View for that equipment/system.

  4. Above the data table, the overall averaged scores are displayed based on the rules targeting the equipment. For more information, see Scoring.

  5. On the Faults View, the data displays how the score values changed over time and supports sensor time-series data. See Equipment Dashboard or System Dashboard for information about Faults.

  6. To change the sensor table view, at the top of the data table on the left side, select the View - Sensor Graph drop-down and select one of the following views:

    • Sensor Graph:  (Default view) Displays a line graph of the selected sensors. Sensors are selected from the Sensor - 0 Selected drop-down to the top right of the graph.

    • Sensor Grid: Displays by row the timestamp and sensor scores in 15-minute intervals. To the right of the sensor, select the ellipsis to edit or delete the sensor.

    • Overview: Displays the general information for each sensor including:

      • Name: Displays the name of the sensor.

      • Sensor Type: Displays the sensor type.

      • Data Type: Displays the data type: boolean, float, integer, or string.

      • Units: Indicates the type of unit for float data types.

      • Source: Displays either "Device Object" in this is an actual sensor or "Calculation" if this is a calculated sensor.

      • Source Name: Displays the Device Object path for device objects or displays the calculation name when a calculation is used. 

    • Score Graph: Displays a line graph of the sensor scores. You have the option to select to see a bar graph instead of the default line graph.

      • The default graph displays the Rules graph. This graph includes the Overall Score as well as the selected rule's score.

      • To view the Sensors graph for the selected rule, select Sensors from the drop-down.

      • Sensors associated with fault rules display background shade appropriately in the respective time frame.

    • Score Grid: The initial view displays the site score. 

      • Displays by row: the timestamp, overall score, scores by rule in 15-minute intervals. 

      • From the Sensor drop-down, select the sensors and rule to display on the grid. Only one rule may be selected. The sensors associated with the rule are selected in the sensor section of the drop-down. 

      • Use the filters above the data columns on the table to filter the displayed data. See Filtering Data.

      • If a rule is updated and the rule's sensor filtering is changed during the timeframe that is run, instead of displaying the previously associated sensor name in the sensor column header, the header now shows "Unknown Sensor Filter". The data displays as "No Data" beginning when the sensor association was broken. The data previous to the change still displays, but the sensor name does not.

See also:

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