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Operators List

On the Formula and Template tabs, the operators are displayed horizontally over the formula section.

  • Math operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on numbers.

  • Comparison operators are used to compare values. 

  • Other operators include variables and constants.

    • When you select Variable, a placeholder is added to the formula. If you are on the Formula tab, you will be able to select A or B or you can add another letter as a placeholder. On the Template tab, you will be able to select the sensors for the formula.

    • When you select Constant, you can enter the constant value. The constant value does not change in your formula.

Math Operators




Plus sign to add two numbers.

1 + 1 = 2

Minus sign to subtract two numbers.

2 − 1 = 1

Times sign to multiply two numbers.

2 × 3 = 6

Division sign (or obelus) to divide the right side by the left side.

6 ÷ 2 = 3

Comparison Operators




Equal sign to show equality between 2 values (numbers, strings, variables, etc.) are strictly equal to each other. To be strictly equal, the values must be equal and have the same data type.

5 = 2+3 or 5 is equal to 2+3.
True = True or True is equal to True.

No equal sign to show inequality.

5 ≠ 4 or 5 is not equal to 4.
True ≠ False or True is not equal to False.

Less than to show the right side is smaller than the left side.

4 < 5 or 4 is less than 5.

Greater than to show the right side is larger than the left side.

5 > 4 or 5 is greater than 4.


Parentheses () are used to change the order of an operation. Using parentheses makes the system do the calculation for the numbers inside the parentheses first, before calculating the rest of the formula. Parentheses are added by typing () on both sides of numbers, like (1+2). Formulas can have groups of parentheses.

3 x (1 + 2)
3 x 3 = 9
1+2 is calculated first and then that total is multiplied by 3.

3 x ((1+2) x (3 + 4))
3 x (3 x 7)
3 x 21 = 63

A comma is a separator between the input parts (parameters) of your formula.

sum(A, B, C)

A variable is an alphabetic character that represents an unknown value. Variables are defined on the Template tab.

A + B

A constant is a fixed value, such as the number 30. A constant does not change its value over time.

A + B x 30 or regardless of the numerical value of A or B, their sum will be multiplied by 30.

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