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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The Site, System, and Equipment Dashboards display a Score Metric and Faults metric for the specific site that is a comparison over time.

  • Score

    • Average Score - This score is the average score for the entity (Equipment, System) at the point in time the Site dashboard is accessed. Use the date/time picker to edit the timeframe to the last 24 hours or a custom time period. The average score will be updated to an average for that timeframe.

    • Percent Change - This is the score for the currently selected time frame compared to the previous time frame. The Percent Change is based on the displayed date range.

  • Period Fault Occurrences

    • Current Period Faults: The number of times in and out of fault within the specified time period. If a fault has gone in and out of fault three times within that time period, this counts as 3. If the fault has stayed in fault during the time period, then this would count as 1. The fault number is not always 1:1.

    • Previous Period Fault Occurrences: The same definition as above but for the previous time period.

For smaller screen displays, a horizontal scrollbar displays so that you can scroll to additional KPIs.

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