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Working with Sites in Architect

A site is used to represent a physical building. A site belongs to a client. A weather entity is automatically created when you create a site based on the zip code for that site. If changes to the site address are made, the weather entity updates automatically to the new zip code.

Create a Site

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. From the Architect home screen, at the top of the tree, select the New Entity button.

  4. Select Site from the menu.

  5. Fill in the following required, unless indicated, fields:

    • Client: Select the client.

    • Site Name: Enter the unique site name.

    • Building Type: Select the type of building.

    • Area Unit of Measure

      • Square Feet: Provide the square footage of the site.

      • Square Meter: Provide the square meterage of the site.

    • Fuel Types (optional): Select one or more fuel types.

    • Energy/Facilities/Sales Contact (optional): Select the contact for each field.

    • Search for Address: Enter the physical address and select the correct address from the displayed options. The additional address fields will automatically populate.

    • Time Zone: Select the time zone where the site is located.

  6. Select Create.

Edit a Site

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. On the Architect home screen, expand the Client to view a list of sites.

  4. Select the intended site.

  5. Locate the Site Actions card.

  6. Select Edit Site Info.

  7. Update the intended fields.

  8. Select Save.

Delete a Site

Deleting a site will also permanently delete any systems, areas, equipment, and sensors that are children of the site.

To delete a site:

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. On the Architect home screen, expand the Client to view a list of sites.

  4. Select the intended site.

  5. Locate the Site Actions card.

  6. Select Delete Site.

  7. Confirm the deletion by typing Delete.

  8. Select Delete.

Associate Equipment with a Site

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. On the Architect home screen, expand the client to view a list of sites.

  4. Select the intended site.

  5. Locate the Site Actions card.

  6. Select Create New Equipment.

  7. Fill in the following fields:

    • Select Client

    • Select a Site (this will be filtered by the client selected above)

    • Equipment Name

    • Equipment Type

    • Select a Manufacturer (optional)

    • Model Number optional

    • Serial Number optional

  8. Select Create.

Add Sites to a Campus from Sites View

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. On the Architect home screen, expand the client to view a list of sites.

  4. Select the intended site.

  5. Locate the Site Actions card.

  6. Select Add Site to Campus.

  7. Select the campus you'd like to add the sites to.

  8. Select Add.

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