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Working with Technicians

A technician represents a person who performs work on a client's site.

Create a Technician

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. From the Architect home screen, on the left navigation select the Technician icon.

  4. Select New Technician.

  5. Click Select File to add a photo of the technician. This photo is used in communication with the Clients.

  6. Complete the following fields:

    • First Name: Enter the Technician's First Name.

    • Last Name: Enter the Technician's Last Name.

    • Email: Enter the Technician's Email Address. This email address is used to receive email communications from Building Optimization Broker.

    • Phone: Enter the Technician's Phone number. This number is used for sending SMS messages from Building Optimization Broker.

    • Title: Enter the Technician's Title.

    • Seniority Level: Select the Seniority Level of the Technician.

    • Specialties: Select one or more Specialties.

  7. Select Confirm.

Deactivate a Technician

Deactivating a Technician removes the Technician from the Active list and can no longer be added to a Service Call. You would use this option if the Technician is already assigned to a Service Call and cannot be removed.

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. From the Architect home screen, on the left navigation select the Technician icon.

  4. To the right of the Technician to be deactivated, select the ellipsis icon.

  5. Select Deactivate Technician.

  6. The Technician no longer displays in the Active Technician list. 

You can view a list of Inactive Technicians by selecting Show Inactive at the top of the Technician list. This button only displays if there are inactive Technicians.

Activate a Technician

An inactive Technician can be set back to active. 

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. From the Architect home screen, on the left navigation select the Technician icon.

  4. Select Show Inactive.

  5. To the right of the Technician to be activated, select the ellipsis icon.

  6. Select Activate Technician.

  7. The Technician is no longer displayed in the Inactive Technician list. 

Delete a Technician

A Technician can be deleted if the name is not assigned to a service request or appointment. If the technician is assigned to a service request or appointment, you can deactivate the technician.

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. From the Architect home screen, on the left navigation select the Technician icon.

  4. Select Delete Technician.

  5. Select Delete.

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