Rule Builder is focused on leveraging the Sensors and other Entities created in Architect to monitor Equipment and System health using the data being collected from the BAS System. The data is available through Sensors that have been created in Architect and have been associated with a Device Object that was brought in via IoT Hub.
You have the option to use an existing K2A Rule, create a rule based on a K2A Rule, or create a custom Rule.
Real-Time Rules Engine
As data is received, and if the value has changed, rules and scoring are processed immediately to provide dynamic data you can use to make business decisions.
You can view the rule faults from the Equipment and Systems Dashboards on the default Faults view. Fault information is displayed in 1-minute intervals for a four-hour period. See Equipment Dashboard or System Dashboard for more information about viewing faults.
Accessing the Rule Builder
To access the Rule Builder, from the Mega Navigation, under APPS, select Rules.
When you access the Rule Builder, at the top right, you can view the following information:
Enabled Rules: This displays the number of enabled rules.
Active Faults: The number of active faults displayed.
Rule Failures: The number of rule failures displayed.
The data table displays all the rules including:
Name: Displays the name of the rule.
K2A/Custom: Indicates if the rule is from the K2A Rule Library or is a custom rule.
Target Count: Displays the target count for the rule.
Failure Count: Displays the failure count for the rule.
Active Faults: Displays the active failure count for the rule.
Enabled/Disabled: Indicates if the rule is enabled.
See also: