Modifying a K2A Rule
If a K2A Rule is used in a modified fashion, when a K2A Rule is updated by WennSoft, the rule will not be modified to prevent any user customizations from being overwritten.
Step One: Select the Base K2A Rule
From the Mega Navigation, select Rules.
Select Actions > Add Rule.
In the Create Rule section, select the Base Rule drop-down and select the rule. You can click in the Base Rule field and enter text to search for a rule.
Toggle Customize to On.
Edit the Rule Name as needed.
In the Create Rule section, select Save. (The section name changes from Add K2A Rule to Create Rule once Customize is toggled on.) A Rule can be enabled in the Create Rule section, Edit Custom Rule section, and from the Rule Builder dashboard.
Step 2: Enter the Rule Target Filter
In the Rule Target Filter section, enter the following types or specific entities, as needed. You are required to select at least one Client and/or one Site and then at least one System or one Equipment.
In the Edit Custom Rule section, select Save.
Step 3: Enter or Edit the Rule Properties
On the right pane, the PROPERTIES tab is displayed.
Select the Rule Priority.
Enter a Description that describes the rule. For example, "Supply temperature is above the active/effective setpoint by 5ºF or more. Fan status is ON."
Enter the System Effect of this Rule. Enter a description of the effect of the rule. For example, "Occupant comfort can be impacted and you may receive calls that it is too warm in the space."
Enter the Recommendation for this Rule. The information entered in this field displays along with the rule information. You can enter potential causes for issues as well as a recommended solution. For example, for a supply temperature that is above the active/effective setpoint, you might enter: "Potential causes include: Heating overrides, mechanical failure of the cooling valve not allowing cold water to pass and/or dampers not opening/closing properly. Check for overridden fans, valves, and dampers in the BAS."
Mark one or more Issue Types.
Under Additional Rule Processing, you can optionally select the Rule Aggregate. Rule aggregates provide the ability to look back through time series to get Sensor values. It also allows for Rule-level processing like "This Rule must be in a Fault state for 3 hours before a Fault is triggered."
The Rule Aggregate options are:None
Consecutive Duration
Change Count
Percent Active
In the Edit Custom Rule section, select Save.
Step 4: Set up or Edit the Sensor Filters
On the right pane, select the SENSOR FILTERS tab.
Select New Sensor Filter.
In the Add Sensor Filter window, select the Sensor Source Type.
General Sensor - See Creating a General Sensor Filter for more information.
System Sensor - See Creating a System Sensor Filter for more information.
Equipment Sensor - See Creating an Equipment Sensor Filter for more information.
Weather Sensor - See Creating a Weather Sensor Filter for more information.
In the Edit Custom Rule section, select Save.
Step 5: Enter or Edit the Formula
On the right pane, select the FORMULA tab.
Edit the Formula as needed. See Working with Formula Editor Blocks for more information.
In the Edit Custom Rule section, select Save.
Step 6: Enter the Per Rule Score (optional)
The Rule Score is calculated based on a linear reset. As the formula moves between the 0 score value and the 100 score value, the Rule Score will be calculated proportionally. This allows you to view the overall score for a piece of equipment or system as well as a per-rule score for that equipment.
On the right pane, select the SCORE tab.
Mark Use New Formula Based Scoring
Select the Formula Output Data Type. The formula output type should be associated with the value type the formula will calculate.
Analog - Select for numerical values.
Boolean - Select for true/false values.
Enter the Score Values. As the Rule Score approaches the 0 Score Value, it will proportionately decrease the target entity's (equipment or system) score based on its priority.
0 Score Value - Enter the minimum score value.
100 Score Value - Enter the maximum score value.
Mark Use Custom Weight (1-100) to enter custom weight to control exactly how much each rule decrements the parent entity's score.
Step 7: Enter or Edit the Fault Logic
On the right pane, select the FAULT LOGIC tab.
Edit the Fault Logic as needed. See Working with Fault Logic Editor Blocks for more information.
In the Edit Custom Rule section, select Save.