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Working with Unit Conversions

There are times when the Units used for the measurement, do not match the measurement standards for certain processes and applications. Converting such units to the extent that they can be applied properly is important. 

Example Conversions

  • Integer to Boolean

  • String to Boolean

  • Singlefloat to Boolean

  • Integer to Integer

  • Boolean to Boolean

  • Boolean to Integer

Create a Unit Conversion

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. From the Architect home screen, at the top of the tree, select the New Entity button.

  4. Select Unit Conversion from the drop-down menu.

  5. Fill in the following fields:

    • Conversion Name

    • Raw Data Type

    • Display Data Type

    • Condition- Select Add Condition if more conditions are necessary

    • Result

  6. Select Save.

Edit a Unit Conversion

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. Select the Unit Conversion Icon from the left sidebar.

  4. Select the Unit Conversion you'd like to edit.

  5. Edit the intended fields.

  6. Select Save Conversion.

  7. Confirm these changes by selecting Save.

Delete a Unit Conversion

Deleting a Unit Conversion will affect all Sensors that are using the Conversion. The Sensors will revert to their Raw Data Types. This may impact the ability of Rules to produce faults.

To delete a unit conversion:

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select Architect.

  3. Select the Unit Conversion icon from the left sidebar.

  4. Select the Unit Conversion you want to delete.

  5. Select Delete located in the right corner.

  6. To confirm the deletion, type DELETE.

  7. Select Delete.

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