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Energy Utility Dashboard

The Energy Utility Dashboard is a module that displays billed utility energy data for your sites and which are performing better than others. 

 To purchase the Energy Utility Dashboard, contact your WennSoft Customer Success Manager.

Company Dashboard

On the Company Dashboard, the following Energy metrics display for each site:

  • Current Through

  • Cost/SF

  • Cost % Change

  • Consumption/SF

  • Consumption % Change

  • Carbon/SF

  • Carbon % Change

  • EnergyStar® Score

Client Dashboard

On the Client Dashboard, the following Energy metrics display for each of that client's sites:

  • Current Through

  • Cost/SF

  • Cost % Change

  • Consumption/SF

  • Consumption % Change

  • Carbon/SF

  • Carbon % Change

  • EnergyStar® Score

Site Dashboard

On the Site Dashboard, the Energy KPI displays the following:

  • Cost/SF vs last year (% change)

  • Consumption/SF vs last year (% change)

  • Carbon/SF vs last year (% change)

Available Metrics

  • Cost/SF - This metric is also known in the industry as ECI (Energy Cost Intensity). This is the sum of the current total/usage costs for the "Current 12 Month Period" divided by the square footage of the building, once.

  • Cost/SF (Previous 12 Months) - This metric follows the same calculation as the Cost/SF, but instead it uses the "Previous 12 Month Period" date range.

  • Cost/SF vs last year (% change) - This is the percentage change delta between the Cost/SF (Current) and Cost/SF (Previous 12 Months).

  • Consumption/SF - This metric is also known in the industry as EUI (Energy Use Intensity). This is the sum of the current energy usage (normalized to the common unit kBtus) for the "Current 12 Month Period" divided by the square footage of the building, once.

  • Consumption/SF (Previous 12 Months) - This metric follows the same calculation as the Consumption/SF, but instead it uses the "Previous 12 Month Period" date range.

  • Consumption/SF vs last year (% change) - This is the percentage change delta between the Consumption/SF and Consumption/SF (Previous 12 Months) periods.

  • Carbon/SF  - This is the sum of the current calculated carbon for the "Current 12 Month Period" divided by the square footage of the building, once. It is in the unit: Lbs of CO2.

  • Carbon/SF (Previous 12 Months)This metric follows the same calculation as the Carbon/SF metric, but instead, it uses the "Previous 12 Month Period" date range.

  • Carbon/SF vs last year (% change) - This is the percentage change delta between the Carbon/SF  and Carbon/SF (Previous 12 Months) periods.

Additional Definitions

  • Energy Star Score Month Captured - This is the date representing the month that the associated score was captured from Energy Star for this building.

  • Energy Star Score - This is the Energy Star score for this building in the month this score was captured.

  • effective_month - This is the calendar month and year for the data in this respective row line item.

  • distribution_kbtus - This is the sum of the energy used in this month, summed and converted to the common unit kBtus (1000 British Thermal Units).

  • property_max_demand - Because demand should not be summed, Max Demand Consumption represents the peak demand of that energy type for the property in that month. That is, it always represents the maximum demand value recorded at the property from a single given meter (respective of energy type) in the month. It may be a different meter from month to month which registers the maximum demand value that month, but it will always be the highest demand value recorded across the property in the given month for the selected energy type.

  • Current 12 Month Period - This date range always contains 12 months of data for the building. It begins at the current month this building has complete data through and continues back through the previous 11 months coming before it. This range updates continuously as the building rolls forward month to month.

  • Previous 12 Month Period - This date range always contains 12 months of data for the building. However, it contains months that are 12 calendar months old relative to the "Current 12 month period". In other words, the oldest month in the "Previous 12 month period" is the 24th month from which the building is current and its newest month is the 13th month from which the building is current. This range also updates continuously as the building rolls forward month to month.

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