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01/22/24 - 145.1 - Time Compatibility Updates & New Features

Time Compatibility Updates

To maintain compatibility with the Time cloud and Signature 2023, please download and install the following updates (Schedule 6.0.41 and TimeTrack Add-In 18.6.77). You can find these updates on the Product Downloads page. After installing the two updates, you will need to configure the server objects and run a full synchronization to sync the data in the Microsoft Dynamics GP company with the company created in Core. 

Complete the steps in the following order:

  1. Install Latest Schedule

  2. Install TimeTrack Add-In

  3. Configure the Server Objects

  4. Run a Full Synchronization

New Features

  • Last Selected Company Remembered When Signing In

  • Shift Codes Are Now Available

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Time now remembers your last selected company when signing in. The last company that you selected will default in as the current company the next time you access Time. This is stored at the user-level and will follow you on whatever device (computer, phone, etc.) that you are using to sign into Time. You still have the option to select a different company using the drop-down at the top of the window.


We’ve added the ability to use shift codes with Time. Shift codes are set up in Signature. The Signature Shift Codes feature is an extension of the Microsoft Dynamics GP feature that allows you to add an additional pay amount to an hourly wage, as an incentive for employees to work outside the regular day shift, such as second shift or third (graveyard) shift. When entering a payroll transaction, the shift premium will default automatically based on the shift code that is assigned to the employee's pay code. See Using Shift Codes.

When enabled, employees will see the Shift Code field on the Time Entries, Time Entry, Manager Approval Summary, and Manager Edit windows. A manager can edit the Shift Code on an employee’s time entry.


The Manager Setup window has been renamed to Approver Setup and only displays if Use Manager Approval is enabled. Time and Payroll Admins now display in the list of available approvers. (Previously only managers displayed in the list.) See Assigning Additional Timesheet Approvers.

The approver must be a TimeTrack user and at least one of the following:

  • Assigned to manage other employees in the TimeTrack Registered Users window.

  • Set up as a Payroll Admin.

  • Set up as a Time Admin.


On the Time Entries window, the Cost Code, Pay Code, and Shift Code columns now auto-size to the widest content based on the text displayed, which is how the Activity column currently displays.

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