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Using Shift Codes

Shift codes are set up in Signature. The Signature Shift Codes feature is an extension of the Microsoft Dynamics GP feature that allows you to add an additional pay amount to an hourly wage, as an incentive for employees to work outside the regular day shift, such as second shift or third (graveyard) shift. When entering a payroll transaction, the shift premium will default automatically based on the shift code that is assigned to the employee's pay code. Depending on what application you are using to enter labor transactions, the shift code can be edited per transaction. For more information, see Setting up Shift Codes for Shift Premiums in the Signature documentation.


If you have Shift Codes set up in Signature, the following considerations need to be made when the time transactions are imported into TimeTrack:

  • If Use Shift Codes is not enabled in Time, the shift codes will be added during the import to TimeTrack

  • If Use Shift Codes is enabled in Time, if the Shift Code field is cleared in the Time Entry window in Time, the shift code is added back during the import to TimeTrack

The transactions can be edited in TimeTrack to remove the shift codes before committing the transactions to Payroll.

To enable shift codes in Time:

  1. In Time, select Administration.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Under Company Settings, select the Use Shift Codes toggle.

  4. When turned on, the Shift Code field is visible in the Time Entry and Manager Approval windows.

  5. Select Save.

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