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Assigning Additional Timesheet Approvers

Use the Approver Setup window to assign additional people who can approve timesheets for an employee. Only Time administrators have access to the Approver Setup window. This setup window is available when the Enabling Manager Approval is turned on in Company Settings. See Working with Manager Approval for more information about using Manager Approval.

The approver must be a TimeTrack user and at least one of the following:

  • Assigned to manage other employees in the TimeTrack Registered Users window.

  • Set up as a Payroll Admin.

  • Set up as a Time Admin.

Columns information:

  • Available Approvers: Shows a list of people who can be assigned as an approver. Available people are displayed with a red bar.
    Note: A user cannot be set up to approve their own time. If the selected employee is a manager (or Payroll or Time Admin), their name will not display in the Available Approvers list.

  • Assigned Approvers: Shows a list of people who can approve the employee’s time card.

    • The employee’s manager displays with a green bar. This manager cannot be moved from the Assigned Approvers column.

    • Assigned approvers are displayed with a blue bar. These approvers can be unassigned by moving them to the Available Approvers column.

To assign/unassign an approver:

  1. In Time, select Administration.

  2. Select Approver Setup.

  3. Click the Employee drop-down and select the employee.

  4. In the Available Approvers column, select the vertical button to the right of the person’s name.

  5. Drag the approver to the Assigned Approvers column.

  6. Unassigning the approvers works in the same manner. You will need to drag the approver back to the Available Approvers column.

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