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Scanning a Niagara Network

The Network information needs to be set up to allow a Building Optimization Broker BAS Agent to retrieve data from a Niagara system.

  1. In Building Optimization Broker, select the IoT Hub application from the app drawer. 

  2. Select Manage BAS Agent on the BAS Agents card. 

  3. From the list of BAS Agents available, select the ellipsis icon to the right of the agent from which you want to scan a BAS, and select Manage Agent. If you haven't created an agent yet, see Adding a BAS Agent

  4. On the Agent Management page, under the Agent Actions card, select Configure BAS Network

  5. On the Network Configuration page, under the BAS System Driver dropdown, select Tridium Niagara (oBIX). See Tridium Niagara (oBIX) Configuration.

  6. Under Niagara Network Settings, enter the following:

    • Niagara Station IP Address: Enter the Internet Protocol (IP) address or web address.

    • Niagara HTTPS/HTTP Port: Enter the port number.

    • oBIX Lobby Path: This is typically obix.

  7. Select the Authentication Type

  8. Mark This is a device I trust. BOB will download any certificates presented by the host. The Save button is disabled if this checkbox is not marked.

  9. Under Niagara Credentials, enter the Username and Password for the Niagara connection.

  10. In the Advanced Security Settings section, mark the appropriate security checkboxes. See Tridium Niagara (oBIX) Configuration for more information.

  11. Select Save.

  12. Select the BAS Agents icon from the app tray and again select Manage Agent for your agent.  This can also be done by selecting your agent name in the breadcrumb trail at the top of the Network Configuration page, and then select the Agent.

  13. Under Agent Actions, select View BAS Inventory.

  14. On the BAS Inventory screen, select Refresh Inventory. Refreshing inventory will perform a background scan. This scan may take a few minutes depending on the inventory size. You can check the agent connect status to see the scan's progress. The status displays "inventory scanning" while the scan is in progress. See Working with BAS Inventory and Viewing Logs for more information.

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