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Viewing Logs

All local and server logs are available in IoT Hub. Even if the Agent has disconnected, the logs will be available. You can change the Start/End Times and can export the log as a comma-separated values (CSV) spreadsheet.

  1. Select the App Drawer.

  2. Select IoT Hub

  3. From the IoT Hub dashboard, on the BAS Agent card, select Manage BAS Agents OR select the BAS Agent icon from the left navigation.

  4. Select the ellipsis icon to the right of the agent name.

  5. Select Manage Agent.

  6. On the Manage Agent dashboard, on the Agent Actions card, select View Logs.

  7. On the View Logs page, select a log and the right panel will open detailing the log for that specific day.

Log Name


Common Uses

Agent Actions

Communication between the BAS Agent and the Building Optimization Broker cloud infrastructure.

Viewing inventory scan progress for Niagara systems. Verifying updates to the Agent from the Building Optimization Broker UI, for example network configuration changes.

Agent Metrics

The on-board metrics for the BAS Agent.

All Logs

Combined log composed of all other logs.


Authentication audit for the BAS Agent

BACnet Broker

BACnet communications between the BAS Agent and the Building Optimization Broker.

BACnet Driver

Diagnostic information for the BACnet driver on the BAS Agent.

Viewing inventory scan progress for BACnet systems. Viewing polling data for BACnet systems.


Communication between the BAS Agent and the Building Optimization Broker client.

Verification that the Agent is checking in with the Building Optimization Broker.

Niagara Polling

Communication between the BAS Agent and the BAS for Niagara systems.

Verification of polling for Niagara systems.


BAS Agent shadow interactions.


System-level diagnostics on the BAS Agent

Checking for system reboots.

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