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Adding a BAS Agent

  1. Select the App Drawer.

  2. Select IoT Hub

  3. From the IoT Hub dashboard, on the BAS Agent card, select Manage BAS Agents OR select the BAS Agent icon from the left navigation.

  4. On the BAS Agent dashboard, select the New Agent button.

  5. In the New Agent Configuration window, enter the Agent Configuration Name.

  6. (Optional) Enter the Serial Number. The agent serial number is printed on BAS hardware agents. For software agents, the serial number is displayed on the BAS Agent setup page within the software.
    The serial number is verified. If the serial number does not exist for the agent or if the serial number is already assigned to an Agent, a message displays. The serial number format is XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX. Five sets of five alphanumeric characters plus the hyphens.

  7. Select the Time Zone where the Agent is installed.

  8. Select Create

  9. Review the settings and then select Create to add the new BAS Agent. 

Viewing BAS Agent Connection Status

After adding the BAS Agent, the BAS Dashboard displays the Connection Status.




Not Connected

No Status

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