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Working with BAS Inventory

The BAS Inventory is a scan of the BAS that is stored in the cloud.  Once a scan has been completed, it will be available for interaction in the BAS Inventory view. Storing the latest scan allows you to configure your Agent and create Profiles, Devices, and Objects even when the Agent or BAS is offline.

The BAS Inventory dashboard displays the following information:

  • Agent Name

  • Type

  • Display

  • Profile

  • Action

From the BAS Inventory, you can:

  • Create a Profile

  • Assign an existing Profile

  • Create Devices and Objects

To access the BAS Inventory:

  1. Select the App Drawer.

  2. Select IoT Hub

  3. From the IoT Hub dashboard, on the BAS Agent card, select Manage BAS Agents OR select the BAS Agent icon from the left navigation.

  4. Select the ellipsis icon to the right of the agent name.

  5. Select Manage Agent.

  6. Locate the Agent Actions card, and select View BAS Inventory.

See also:

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