BOB Release Notes 1.117 - 12/23/22

Building Optimization Broker version 1.117 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.
New Features
On the Inspection Report, you can now configure the Occupied Hours Runtime for the selected equipment(s) runtime sensor that currently exists on your equipment. See Inspection Report.
The Run Time section displays similar to the following:All Views on the Company and Client dashboards have been updated so that only the Current timeframe will display the fault information that includes the Fault, High, Medium, and Low columns. If you select any other timeframe, the columns will not display. K2AINT-4274
In the Attribute Management window, we've limited the Entity drop-down to display only the Global entity option to work best with the current functionality. See Attribute Management. K2AINT-4429
Bug Fixes
External sensors added to the Optimization Report are now displaying in the report as expected. K2AINT-4072
Setpoint precision has been updated to display with one decimal place. K2AINT-4141
Users can now assign a "constant value" custom calculated sensor from a template that they have created. K2AINT-4227
The Rule Debugger is now displaying query results as expected. K2AINT-4255
Rules with weather sensors are now associated with the correct equipment. K2AINT-4314
In the Architect Wizard, users are now able to map sensors in the Configure Sensor window without receiving a blank screen and/or error messages. K2AINT-4330
In the Sensor Grid, users are able to select a rule with a null aggregate type. K2AINT-4334
The Inspection Report is now showing values for current or previous faults next to the Rule Name in the report. K2AINT-4387
To view the release notes online, go to